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Notable Men and Women Give Dinner to Flying Record Holder


Captain Amundsen and Peary Join in Praising Aviator

If any women of the Victorian era were present—even in spirit—last night at the Hotel Astor, when 400 persons gathered together under the auspices of the Civic Forum and the Aero Club of America to do honor to the holder of the American no-stop record and the world’s record for women fliers, Miss Ruth Law—if any such women were there, they must of necescity by the end of the dinner have shrivelled into thin air.

Woman—supreme, dominant, transcendant—made the keynote of that unusual gathering. Men there were. A man—Rear Admiral Robert A. Peary—was the toastmaster. Men spoke, were applauded, and sat down. But it was a woman who was the guest of honor. And it was a woman who unquestionably carried away those difficult honors, the laurels for the champion after dinner speech.

Miss Gates Thrills Listeners

When Eleanor Gates arose and in her dry Western drawl, began to tell those guests what Ruth Law’s flight had meant to her a wave of interest swept her listeners. Before, they had listened—as well bred people should—now, they began to sit up straight, to fix upon the speaker eyes that glittered with enthusiasm and to laugh in uproarous spontaneity.

"The list of superwomen has been increased to three," said Miss Gates. "The first, Lady Anne Blount, who went into India to bring out the finest horses; the second, Charmion London, who sailed the Pacific alone in a small boat; the third, Ruth Law.

"It is easy to get a dinner if you are a man. You get one if you are a such-and-such degree Mason, or a naughty Elk, or just because its time to have another dinner. But for a woman to sit in glory at the Hotel Astor she must do something super-human.

Women’s Ancient Restraints

"Woman has always been restrained. She has ruled her life by the dont’s, better-nots, should-nots and must-nots. Women have stood in front of the Venus de Milo and talked of her freedom, while they were corsetted to the limit. The sculptors must have been blind or without a sense of humor when they made the Statue of Liberty—a woman.

"Ruth Law has done more than wing her way across the uncharted heavens. She’s going to sweep away the cobwebs of the woman’s sky. Here is the woman who, I hope, has put an end to that old mouse story. Here is a woman who deserves to be a model for a new Winged Victory."

Miss Gates sat down. Miss Law, sitting between Captain Raould Amundsen, the discoverer of the South Pole, on her right, and Admiral Peary, on her left, blushed and looked down.

Other Speakers Sing Praises

There were others to sing her praise—Commander Robert K. Crank, of the United States Navy, who emphasized the need of civilian aviators; Major Carl F. Hartmann, of the United States Army; Miss Beatrice Forbes-Robertson, who said she believed she echoed the sentiment of all women when she declared the people of the nation ready to give "millions for defence, but not once cent for aggression," and Henry A. Wise Wood, chairman of the conference committee on National preparedness.

Alan R. Hawley, president of the Aero Club, spoke more praise and presented a purse of $2,500 to Miss Law. And then F. E. Diffen, a representative of the Erie, Penn., Board of Commerce, announced that that body is establishing an aeroplane station in Erie and has subscribed $10,000 to be used for prizes in the coming transcontinental aeroplane contest.

Captain Amundsen spoke, and then there was the reading of an original poem, "Flight," by its composer, Mrs. Douglas Robinson.

And finally Miss Law thanked her hearers for their praise, in modest and womanly fashion, and declared that "women, as well as men, will soon find it less tiresome and much quicker to fly to Chicago than it is to motor even over the road to Boston."

Some of the Guests

Among those present were William Payne Aldrich, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Brevoort Allin, Mrs. Henry A. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Calder, Lieutenant J.E. Carberry, Victor Carlstrom, the aviator and the following members
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Aviatrix Seated at Dinner between Peary and Amundsen--Erie, Pa., Offers $10,000 Aerial Derby Prize.


With the discoverer of the North Pole seated at her right hand and the discoverer of the South Pole at her left hand side, Miss Ruth Law, holder of the world's record for women flyers, both in distance and altitude, was toasted last night at a dinner in her honor at the Hotel Astor as a pioneer in the movement "to give women a place in the sun."
The dinner was given by the Civic Forum and by the Aero Club of America, which presented to the plucky young woman $2,500 in recognition of her flight from Chicago to New York. In a modest little "thank you" speech, Miss Law announced that her next flight will be from San Francisco to New York in a machine specially built for her by Glenn H. Curtiss.

Erie, Pa., to Give $10,000 Prize.

F. E. Diffen, resentative of the Board of Commerce in Erie, Pa., which is establishing an aero station for use in the National Aerial Derby for the Pulitzer Trophy and $100,000 additional prizes, announced the board will give a prize of $10,000, to be awarded as the Club deems best.

Capt. Roald Amundsen, finder of the South Pole, and Rear Admiral Peary, finder of the North Pole,praised Miss Law's achievement in highest terms. Eleanor Gate, the writer, said:
"No girl in the future will be worth while unless we stop raising girls on a diet of don'ts and can'ts." Miss Gates asserted it was particularly fitting that Miss Law should have had a part in the permanent lighting of the Statue of Liberty, as the statue was symbolical of woman's mission in the world.

Peary Makes Announcement.

Capt. Amundsen's plans for reaching the North Pole by following the polar drift and using aeroplanes were approved by Admiral Peary, who also announced that Capt. Robert A. Bartlett, Commander of the Roosevelt, Peary's ship, might take part in the expedition.

Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Davison, Mrs. Peary, Henry A. Wise Wood, Major Carl F. Hartmann, U. S. A.: Capt. Bartlett, Commander R. K. Crank, Congressman Hulbert, Henry Woodhouse, Alan R. Hawley, President of the Aero Club, and Ralph Pulitzer, Glenn H. Curtiss and Maj. Gen. Wood sent regrets. It was announced that Victor Carlstrom had been presented with a gold watch for his Chicago to New York flight.

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Played Hookey on First Sky-Ride

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Wednesday, November 22, 1916


On Sunday morning at 8:56, the telephone rang in the Steuben House calling for Henry J. Wehman, operator saying Chicago was on the wire Charles Oliver calling from Chicago end of the line, repeated, "Ruth Law left Chicago 7:26 Central time, flying in a sixty mile wind. Meet her Hornell with gasoline and oil."

The message was a bolt out of a clear sky. Ruth Law was out to beat Carlstrom's record. Mr. McNamara, the resident manager of the Curtiss Factory, said, "We have a barrel of hight test gasoline at the factory. Take it to Hornell, get your mechanics, don't forget oil, and anything she may need, and see that she is well taken cafe of."

It was 9:15 and than to move, first Mr. Wehman sent for James Lamont, then for Edward Richards and Albert Walker and then for Ray Spencer to drive teh Curtiss truck, each was to report at the factory at once. Gasoline, oil, water pails, gallon measures funnels were placed aboard the truck and started for Hornell. Mr. Wehman  drew up to the factory with Mr. Mcnamara's automobile and with the mechanics aboard, started for Hornell. The automobile pase truck at Kanons, and headed for teh Hornell Fair Grounds. On reaching the fair grounds it was decided to get some tar paper and place a big cross in center of the race track as a mark for Miss Law to locate Hornell track. Arrangements were then made with the Western Union Telegraph office to send messengers to the track with any reports of the flight which might cover over the wires. Much speculation took place between the men from the Curtiss factory who were at Hornell as to the time she would arrive. The discussion grew strong and wagers were made as the time of her arrival. James LaMont guessed at 2 p. m., Ray Spancer taking advantage of the experienced man, LaMont, said 2:15, Eddie Richards guessed 2:30, Walker 2:45 and Wehman, who did not expect over 9les an hour at the best, said 3 o'clock.
At 1:30 Walker Called up the Erie telephone operator, and Ruth Law was reported as passing over Erie, Pa., at 1:00 o'clock. Walker came back at 1:50 p.m. giving his report. No one expected her before 2:30 then and at 2 o'clock a citizen of Hornell who was at the track said, "There she comes over the hill from Canisteo.
The excitement started. Possibly three hundred people were at the track. The track was cleared and handkerchiefs were waved. LaMont stood in the middle of the infield waving his hat, Ruth saw Jim, and started one of her famous vol-planes; She hit the field, bounded up about thirty feet, landed again, put on both breaks and came to a stop at 2:07 within 50 feet from Wehmen, who was the first to greet her.
After opening the safety belt, and removing the map, which was tied to her, she said she was very cold and tired and this was her first stop since leaving Chicago.
The mechanics took charge of the machine, and Wehman rushed Miss Law to Carles' restaurant, where a light lunch was waiting for her. She complained of a headache, but otherwise she said she was feeling good enough to continue to New York.
The field was reached at 2:35, and it seemed as if the city of Hornell had crowded onto the field of the race track. Chief of Police Bailey had his hands full keeping back the crowd.
At three o'clock the machine was all ready for the second lap of the journey. The mechanics pushed the machine to the end of the field near the main entrance and Miss Law resumed her place. The motor was started, and clearing the track she was off, amidst the blowing of automobile horns. 
Straight as an arrow she headed for Adrian, climbing all the way. After reaching an altitude of 5,000 feet, she turned and headed for Binghamton.
Miss Law used the same machine she had built at the Hammondsport plant two years ago. The same Curtiss motor and machine in which she has been filling exhibition engagements for the past two years.
Miss Law broke the following records at Hornell: Greatest distance covered without a stop—American record. Longest non-stop world's record for women. Fastest time ever made between Chicago and Hornell.
Flying south of Corning, Miss Law continued on to and over Elmira, Waverly and as it was getting quite dark she

[Top-Right portion of same cutout]
the fastest aeroplane time between Chicago and New York, both for male and female.
Much interest was felt in Hammondsport over the flight as the machine and motor which she used was strictly a Hammondsport product and the one Carlstrom used was made at the Buffalo branch.
Summary of Flight
Left Chicago 8:26 Eastern Time (7:26 Central Time)
Arrived Hornell 2:07; 5:41 Min in air.
Left Hornell 3:13, arrived Binghamton 4:15; 1.02 Min in air. Left Binghamton 7:18, arrived New York 9:36; 2.18 Min in air. Total flying time, 9 hours 1 minute.

[Bottom-Right Cutout]
Equality for Women.
To Forgive our Debtors.
"It Pays?" That's Enough.
A New Kindly Light.
By Arthur Brisbane

Congress will consider giving women full equality. Various kinds of stupidity and superstition will fight against that. Some object to the suggestion that woman have full property rights--now denied for various States--others will resent violently the suggestion that women have "care and custody of children, whether legitimate or illegitimate, and control of earnings and services of such children."

If a man educates a bull pup, teaches it to bite strangers, roll over, play dead, etc., it is HIS pup. When a women creates a child, raises, nurses and teaches it, it ought to be her child. Some old religions taught that woman had no soul. Progress is slow.

Mr. Hopkins, chairman of a "Committee of 48," kindly offers this suggestion:

Tell European nations that if they will disarm we'll do so in the same proportion. And in addition, we'll forgive them their debts to us--all if they disarm entirely, pro rata if they disarm partially.

Do YOU see any reason why this nation should bribe Europeans and Asiatics to stop committing suicide? Would they not--after a little while, with their their debts wiped out-- come back for more money, saying: "Pay, or we'll arm again, and against YOU?"

Better spend our money on a reasonable supply of flying machines, submarines, etc., and take no risks.

While we talk our sweet platitudes, worthy of a village storekeeper trying to keep out of a quarrel and go on weighing sugar, Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson, chief of England's Imperial General Staff, says that whatever else happens England must keep ready, always, to make poison gas and other war necessities. Do it as cheaply as you can, but KEEP READY, should be this country's motto. With wide ocean trenches on either side of us, it need not be expensive, if we mind our business, build flying machines and submarines, not allowing white-legged old fogies of the quarter deck to insist on battleship reliance, for love or MONEY.

The Rev. Dr. Straton, of New York, who calls a spade a spade and a prize fighter a criminal, has been attacked as "too sensational." One aged reverend gentleman ordered his name removed from Dr. Straton's stationery. A brother, more practical, accused Dr. Straton of running his church into debt.

Dr. Straton threatens suits for libel, but won't need them. He has proved that the financial condition of his church is better than ever. That's enough.

This writer once helped to publish news under big headlines. It was a novelty and WAS sensational—like lightning or the rainbow. All conservative newspapers howled. The newspaper with the headlines easily read gained half a million circulation in a few weeks. Then the newspapers stopped howling

Transcription Notes:
[[Image 1]] newspaper photo of the face of Ruth Law [[/image 1]] [[Image 2]] a black circle with a lit fuse to indicate that it is a bomb [[/image 2]] [[image 3]] probably the reverse of the black circle, with a signed portrait of Ruth Law in the center [[/image 3]] [[image 4]] editorial cartoon showing a biplane completing a loop in the air – the biplane is labeled RUTH LAW [[/image 4]]