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Hurrah for Miss Law!
Miss Ruth Law found she couldn't get to New York before dark. She had left her lights in Chicago so as to lessen the load on her baby aeroplane, and up there in the sky without alight she couldn't see her indicators and things, so she decided to stop at Binghamton. It was a disappointing thing, because when left Chicago, Sunday morning, she hoped to get to New York in time for tea, and to have a sunset out of which to come sliding down the airline to Governor's Island. However, what must be must be, so she tied her aeroplane to a tree, and a fat policeman assured her he would watch it during the night and see that no bad little boys mixed up the works. Then the young lady hailed a passing automobile, put a skirt on over her several woolen and leather thingamybobs, and went to Binghamton to have something to eat. She had only traveled 680 miles-590 of them with out a stop-broken the distance flying record, broken the woman's flying rec-
ord, and had a very good spin from the middle of the continent almost to its end. When we think of the weeks it took George Washington to get as far as Pittsburgh on his surveying trip, we can marvel at the great development of the agencies of transportation which enabled Miss Law to make almost twice the distance between 8:30 in the morning and 4:30 in the afternoon.

DATE DEC 5 1916

The World is to be congratulated on the successful culmination of its publice-spirited effort to make the message of BARTHOLDI'S Liberty in the harbor as clear by night as it is by day. Illuminated by electricity, not
only the torch but the symbolic figure which holds it aloft will hereafter be visible at all times. It is not to be forgotten that one of the earliest achievements of The World was to collect by subscriptions from a public which had seemed ungrateful for BARTHOLDI'S gift the money needed to place the big statue on a pedestal. Last evening the installation of the illuminating plant procured through the enterprise of the same agency was made the occasion of a noteworthy celebration in which the President of the United States took part. In the pageant on the bay Miss RUTH LAW, who may be said to symbolize the aspirations of modern womanhood, encircled the statue in her aeroplane while the national colors were played upon her by a huge searchlight. The President himself touched the button which illuminated the goddess. The pageant, and what which later on transformed the path of the Presidential party from the Battery to the Waldorf
into a golden way, were fitting to the occasion. Homage was duly paid to Liberty by the last word in electric lighting, and the aeroplane was used in her honor.

Thus the symbolic Liberty that stands in the gateway of the metropolis was illuminated for all time. The incident should have its own symbolic significance. The brighter light of Liberty should shine afar, betokening the abundance of our sympathy for the stricken and oppressed rather than boastful pride in material progress.

Ruth Law's Chicago-to-New York flight is a records-making fear, so far as America is concerned. Aviators abroad are just now out of comparison.

In a three-year-old, 28 foot machine, with but half the power Carlstrom's, Miss Law made the distance of 897 miles in less than nine hours net. Her speed, a little more than 100 miles an hour, has been exceeded by more powerful engines. Her longest non-stop flight, 490 miles, surpasses Carlstrom's 452 and sets a new mark across country, though it has been beaten on a measured course.

A dozen aviators travelled by air to the football game in Princeton Saturday without mishap. Miss Law's splendid accomplishment was undertaken with as little preliminary notice, as simple and brief preparation. It pushes a little further than Carlstrom's flight the accumulating proof that, given engine power and gas storage sufficient, New York can be made from Chicago in a single flight of less than nine hours.

The country is not yet so far advanced in feminism but that the newest triumph in the air is made more impressive by the fact that the victor is a slender young woman whose physical strength far from equals her remarkable endurance and unsurpassed pluck.

Flighty Femininity
MISS RUTH LAW has made the Easiest[[?]] unbroken flight that has been made by an aviatrix––633 miles, between Chicago and hOrnell, New York; and this establishes a new distance mark for a single flight in America. Her story is modestly told, but between the lines is a record of an achievement only possible to nerves as firm as the machinery. Nature concedes no privileges and has no favorites in the business of flying. Like war, she loves a shining mark, and in learning the secrets of the long-hidden trail through the air the altars have been reddened with human sacrifice as in land exploration. Miss Law had already set the woman's mark for height––11,000 feet––and this was her first flight for distance. The cold and the nervous tension provided a supreme test of endurance, but the coherent, straightforward narrative carries its own internal evidence of the care that left nothing to chance, the skill that adjusted the levers and deflected the planes, the pluck that did not flinch even when the machine skimmed the tops of the trees and a wreck was threatened. The feat of Miss Law will be accepted as a triumph not merely for herself, but for the new order of womanhood she represents, emancipated from a tradition of shrinking sensitiveness that would prevent even this emulation of the angels.

New York Tribune
First to Last--the Truth: News--Editorials--Advertisements
Wednesday, November 22, 1916.

The Lesson of Miss Law's Flight
Miss Ruth Law's record breaking flight from Chicago is a great triumph. But it is peculiarly a personal triumph, and may lead to much foolish talk and loose thinking about aviation. It was a great achievement for a young woman without experience in 'cross-country flying to surpass the best American record and come close to the best world's record men of great experience, skill and endurance have ever made. That she should do this in an out-of-date machine instead of in the latest and best product of aeroplane factories makes her achievement truly marvellous.

But the marvellous part of it is the splendid imagination, courage and endurance of this slight young woman herself. The quiet way in which she went about it and her simple modesty give a delightful setting to the whole thing. But everybody with any experience in flying knows the grim chances she took, and everybody, admiring her pluck and hardihood, hopes she will not try to do the same sort of thing again. Twice her supply in gasolene failed when a difference of a few minutes might have been fatal. Once she narrowly escaped disaster over the tree tops; and during a great part of nearly nine hours she was in danger. Any notion that Miss Law's achievement shows that 'cross-country flights are as simple and safe as travel in motor cars, or that American aeroplanes and motors are as good as any, or that our army aeroplanes and aviation are good enough, is arrant nonsense. The worst of such loose thinking and careless talk is that it misleads many people also ignorant of aviation and retards true progress toward safe flying, better aeroplanes and an adequate military aviation service.

Carlstrom's experience is a better proof of the great fault in American aeroplanes--the common fault in all American workmanship--indifference and lack of care in details. The best aeroplane, equipped with the best motor and flown by the best aviator, is brought down by a loose nut on a gasolene pipe. Whether it is landed safely or is wrecked and its pilot injured depends largely on the country below the machine at the instant. Details are important enough in motor cards and other machines, but in aeroplanes they are matters of life and death. No excellence of design, material and general construction can excuse neglect of details in aeroplanes and their engines. This must become the first article in the creed of American aeroplane makers and their workmen.

We may as well admit that infinite care and attention to detail is not a strong point with American manufacturers or American workmen. If we are to make aeroplanes equal to those built abroad we must master this matter of detail till no nut or bolt, no wire or cotter-pin, escapes vigilant and rigid inspection. That is the first principle now being applied by the army aviation service. Without unremitting care and attention to details all other progress in design and construction of aeroplanes and motors will profit us nothing.

Our admiration for Miss Law is heightened by thankfulness that she got here safely and gratitude to a good providence that rewarded her splendid courage and endurance, but when General Wood said, "Little girl, you beat them all!", we wish he might have added in fatherly advice: "Don't do it again. We admire you too much to lose you."

Transcription Notes:
The sentences by sentences(paragraph) can be connected together and don't have to separate into different lines.