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4                    NATIONAL AERONATUICS

will go to engineering, architectural, and business administration students at University of Kansas, Wichita University, and Kansas State College.
In announcing the grands, W. McAllen, Boeing president, said: "We are in a field that calls for an ever increasing number of well educated young men and women. These schools have contributed a great deal to Boeing and the aviation industry by the high-type graduates they have given us."

New York University's School of Education this fall is offering courses for the training of ground school instructors, aircraft dispatchers, air traffic controllers, and commercial pilots. Airline personnel will give most of the instruction, and opportunity will be provided for practice teaching. Registration will be held Sept. 10-14. 

Dr. Leslie A. Bryan, director of the Institute of Aviation at the University of Illinois, stressed the relative importance of "human relations" as against "know-how" in a talk to the summer graduating class at Parks College of Aeronautical Technology of Saint Louis University.

Zonta International has announced that it will again award its annual Amelia Earhart Scholarship ($1,200) to encourage graduate study by women in the field of aeronautical engineering. Applications should be filed not later than March 1, 1954, with Miss J. Winifred Hughes, Alumni House, Syracuse University, 940 S. Crouse Ave., Syracuse 10, N.Y.

The Air Force ROTC, which is scheduled to produce 80% of newly commissioned Air Force officers, has made broad changes in it curriculum, effective this fall, and has altered its selection criteria so as to "fulfill USAF requirements for high-caliber junior officers and to insure top-quality leadership in later years." The change in curriculum, which parallels an established trend in higher education, is away from highly specialized training which emphasized learning of a mechanical rote nature, and to a generalized, intellectually stimulating educational program. Through summer workshops conducted in August at 30 colleges and universities, and through a course of study at the Air University at Maxwell AFB, officer instructors have been prepared to teach the new courses. 

Reports from all sections of the country indicate that an immense amount of interest is being manifested in the 50th Anniversary of Powered Flight national committee's contest which will see the selection of 192 school teachers (one in each of the four grade levels in each of the 48 states) who will be awarded to three-day, all-expenses-paid air trip to Washington, D.C., Dec. 15-17. Teachers have until Nov. 17 to submit aviation education material to the contest committee in their own state. Winners will be announced Dec. 8. 

William Krause of Valley Stream, Long Island, and Uriel Reid of the Bronx, N.Y., each received a $1,000 scholarship awarded by Link Aviation, Inc., for courses in aircraft design and aircraft maintenance at the Academy of Aeronautics, La Guardia Airport.

A $4,000 scholarship was awarded by the 14th Air Force Association (the Flying Tigers of World War II fame) during the Association's annual convention in Washington, D.C., last month. Recipient was 13-year-old Paul Taber, of Seattle, Wash., son of Col. Morris Taber, who was killed leading a bombing mission over China in 1944. The boy may use the scholarship at any university or college of his choice. Donations from members of the 14th AF and Generalissimo and Madam Chiang Kai-Shek made the award possible.

 National Association of State Aviation Officials is sponsoring production of the first of a prospective series of aviation promotion films representing a collective effort of all the states getting together on a constructive project so as to lessen the cost to all concerned. 
The films, to be made available to school and church groups, civic bodies, and other types of audiences, will be 13 1/2 minutes in length, thus being suited for showing on a 15-minute TV program. They will be in color with sound. 
First one of the NASAO-sponsored films will cover the story of "The Flying Businessman."

Robert Roy Piper of Princeton, N.J., has been awarded the Aviation Week Fellowship in Aeronautical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for the year 1953-54. The $1,8000 stipend is made annually to a student enrolled for an advanced degree in the M.I.T. Dept. of Aeronautical Engineering. 

Southwest Airmotive's second annual scholarship was presented to Harold L. (Jock) Norwood, who was selected for his character, scholarship and interest in aviation. He will take the complete two-year course at Arlington State College with his tuition, activity fees and books paid for by Southwest Airmotive. 

Institute Draws From Many States

The second annual Aviation Education Leadership Institute brought a group of education leaders from many states to Washington August 16-21 for an event-packed indoctrination course in aviation and aviation education.
The five-day Institute was sponsored by the Civil Aeronautics Administration, with cooperation and assistance from the Air Transport Association, the Aircraft Industries Association, the Conference of National Aviation Organizations, and civil and military government groups. 
Highlights of the week included: (1) an operations tour of Washington National Airport, including the ticketing facilities of Capital Airlines and the maintenance shop of Allegheny Airlines a visit to the Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corp, at Hagerstown, Md.; and visits to Andrews Air Force Base, Quantico (Va.) Marine Corps Air Station, and Fort Belvoir, Va. 
The educators who attended the Institute are expected to set down their experiences in book form as source material for the training of other community leaders in aviation education. At the opening session, Civil Aeronautics Administrator Fred B. Lee touched on this point when he said: 
"In this and all our other efforts we could be helped by an informed body of citizens, conscious of civil aviation's importance to them, and determined to realize to the fullest the benefits it can bring. As leader in your communities, you can do much to create such an informed citizenry, and I trust that in your week here you will obtain a wealth of material for that mission."
They're Available

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics has issued (Technical Note 2967) "An Analysis of the Power-Off Landing Maneuver in Terms of the Capabilities of the Pilot and the Aerodynamic Characteristics of the Airplane." Publication was prepared by Alfred E. von Doenhoff and George W. Jones, Jr., of Langley Aeronautical Laboratory, Langley Field, Va.

Qualified parties may obtain from Crash Injury Research, Cornell University Medical College, 1300 York Ave., New York 21, N.Y., a copy of a special study on "Aircraft Safety Belts: Their Injury Effect on the Human Body." Analysis was prepared by Hugh De Haven, Boris Tourin and Salvatore Macri under a special grant by the Civil Aeronautics Administration. 

A new local aeronautical chart covering Philadelphia, Pa., and vicinity is available from the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Dept. of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C., at 25ยข per copy.