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Copyright, 1916, by The Press Pub. Co. 


[[image - photograph]] Copyright by American Press Ass'n.
[[caption]] Rodman Law, the aerial dare-devil who "takes no risks." [[caption]]

Looping the Loop Fifteen Somersaults in Succession Is perfectly Reasonable, Sister Ruth Declares, If You Know the Feel of Your Machine and Are Not Nervous - As for Being Safely Shot Out of a Bursting Balloon in Mid-Air, Why, That Is a Mere Matter of Mathematical Calculation - Brother "Rod" Can Prove It.

By Norah Meade.

To the average spectator of aviation stunts, Ruth Law is a wantonly reckless young lady whose death may be not only imminent but even a matter of indifference to her. 
   And to the normal man in the street, Rodman Law is little less than a lunatic whose mania is the making of daredevil records.
  Yet to talk to a member of the Law family is to receive an uncomfortable convincing impression that not only are they quite safely sane, BUT THAT YOU YOURSELF ARE RATHER ABSURDLY HYSTERICAL.

[[photo]] [[caption]] Dropping like a plummet from the firmament is safe enough, if worked out mathematically beforehand.[[/caption]] 

RUTH LAW declares that her loop-making record is fifteen somersaults in succession; that her usual drop is 5,000 feet; that in the matter of cartwheels, she can go twice wing-over-wing without a halt; that a mile and a half is her longest flight upside down; that her altitude record is 11,200 feet, and that she hopes to do 16,000 very soon. 
   Yet when you venture a heart-felt congratulation on her escape from extinction so far, she looks surprised and observes blandly;
"But, you know, stunt flying is the safest flying, that's why I do it."

[[photo]] [[caption]] "Rod" Law shot from a high-angle gun--"I do think he takes chances," admits Ruth. [[/caption]] 

YOU look to brother Rodman for an admission that he at least has been lucky beyond mortal expectation --that a man who has been precipitated without injury from a blazing balloon 1,000 feet to earth, owes some gratitude to the god or goddess of chance, and you are met with:
"I never in my life undertook an enterprise that contained any element of risk."
"Risk," says the dictionary, "is the chance of encountering harm." Judged by this definition, the Law family could not seemingly be declared cautious. I challenged Miss Ruth Law to prove that they abided by the law of "safety first," and it must be confessed, she at once contradicted her brother chum. 
"Oh, I do think Rod takes chances," she admitted, "though he says he worked out all his stunts to the last detail. But I never took a chance in my life." 
Then, seeing her audience still incredulous, she became extremely severe.

RUTH LAW is a fair-haired, rather bronzed young beauty whose eyes are as blue as the skies she soars in and whose smile is sunny as a summer's day. But when she began this explanation, or rather this apologia pro vila sua, the sunniness vanished and you found yourself confronted by a decisive young woman who reminded you vaguely of a strict schoolma'am. 
"Why, it's perfectly reasonable," she declared. "The only way to be entirely safe in the air is to be prepared for all contingencies. That's why stunt flying is the safest."
Her pupil being dull, she was forced to elaborate.
"For example, once when I was flying in very uncertain weather, the wind 

[[photo]] [[caption]] Remarkable night photograph taken while Miss Law was looping the loop three times over the City of Chicago.[[/caption]] 

[[photo]] [[caption]] An actual mid-air photograph of Miss Law winging over, preparatory to flying upside down. [[/caption]] 

caught my machine and practically turned it upside down [page cutoff]accustomed to flying in that position, what would I have done [page cutoff]
No answer.
"So you see, it is perfectly reasonable. If you know the [page cutoff] and are not nervous, you run no risks. And for every accid- (page cutoff) quate explanation. 
"Beachy was killed volplaning 5,000 feet. I do the s- (page cutoff) nothing happens. Why? Because my machine is the prope- (page cutoff) pose. I am very careful when I curve into the level, to go g- (page cutoff) so that sudden change in the air pressure may not ca- (page cutoff) crushed. That's the only danger in volplaning--my favorite [page cut off]
   For looping she gave an infallible recipe, according to her (page cutoff) AT AN ANGLE OF FORTY-FIVE, KEEPING YOUR [page cutoff] SPEED AHEAD. A perfect loop should be accomplished in (page cutoff) cartwheel and (page cutoff) ing, you have o[page cutoff] ders properly a(page cutoff)going full blast (page cutoff).
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their extraordinary temerity: 
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all our lives. We were born in Lyn (page cutoff)
early went to live on a farm. The (page cutoff)
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at one time or another. We rod (page cutoff) 
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always rather reckless." 

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[[photo]] [[caption]] Miss Law expects to make each lap of the track in 20 seconds.[[/caption]] 

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While East

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head of the British recruiting [[text cut off]]
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British consul general, and [[text cut off]]
American and British officials [[text cut off]]
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W.G. HARTSHORN, Chairman John H. Harrison, Vice-Chairman P. L. WIILLS, Secretary A. R. Samuel, Treasurer
Geo. F. Rearick
Mayor of Danville

W. E. Fithian 
Pres. Cham. of Com. 

Dr. O. H. Crist
Pres. Ver. Co. Med. Soc. 

Rev. C. F. Buker
Dan. Ministerial Assn. 

Mrs. E. X. LeSeure --- Danville
Dr. E. B. Coolley ---- Danville 
Mrs. W. E. Fithian --- Danville 
Mrs. W. C. Rankin ---- Danville 
With Officers 



Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Adams
A. M. Bushnell
H. H. Bolles
Mrs. Frank Barton 
Miss Helen Cannon
Mrs. Thos. Conron
Thos. J. Cossey
Mrs. E. B. Coolley
Mrs. W. E. Fithian 
C. U. Feldkamp
Mrs. Amy Glidden
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hegeler 
O. P. Haworth
Mrs. Kate Aull Heath 
M. E. King
Mr. and Mrs. E. X. LeSeure 
Geo. W. Telling 
I. H. Louis 
W. B. Murray
Mrs. Alphonse Meis 
Mrs. A. S. Markley
Rev. F. J. O'Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rankin
Dr. Jas. H. Rachels
Prof. G. P. Randle
Mrs. Dave Reis
Mrs. A. R. Samuel
Otto R. Schultz
Mrs. J. C. Stewart
Mrs. Wm. F. Sheets
Mrs. Columbus Schatz
Geo. R. Tilton 
Phil B. Vorhees
M. J. Wolford
John H. Walker
A. L. Webster
Mrs. G. M. Wright 


Rev. J. M. Bean -------------- Allerton 
Clay Gaumer ------------------ Alvin 
O. M. Ross ------------------- Antioch
A. S. Bass ------------------- Armstrong
Mrs. Mary Meyers ------------- Bismarck 
Thos. A. Taylor -------------- Catlin 
Mrs. D. M. Fowler ------------ Collison 
Chas. Martin ----------------- East Lynn 
Clint Rice ------------------- Ellis 
Dr. A. J. Leitzbach ---------- Fairmount
Mrs. C. B. DeLong ------------ Fithian 
C. B. Spang ------------------ Georgetown 
L. D. Lane ------------------- Henning
Geo. Evans ------------------- Hoopeston
Dr. F. N. Odbert ------------- Indianola
K. E. Rowand ----------------- Jamaica 
Mrs. A. L. Farnsworth -------- Jamesburg 
Rev. Mark White -------------- Meeks
E. V. Minor ------------------ Muncie
Geo. Vinson ------------------ Newtown 
Mrs. H. J. Oakwood ----------- Oakwood
Dr. C. C. Ransom ------------- Potomac
Rev. Birger Nelson ----------- Rankin 
Dr. D. C. Henshaw ------------ Ridgefarm 
Mrs. Abram Mann -------------- Rossville 
H. J. Sconce ----------------- Sidell 
Art Synder ------------------- Westville


[[[[caption]]  - logo]] 

PHONE 570 

May 27, 1918. 

Ruth Law, Aviatrice, 
C/o Morrison Hotel, 
Chicago, Illinois. 

My Dear Mrs. Oliver:-

As manager of the Second Red Cross War Fund Campaign for Vermilion County, I want to say that the service you rendered during the past week, not only in the City of Danville but throughout the County, was the greatest help the work received from any one individual. You delivered public addresses to fifteen hundred employees of the C. & E. I. Railroad at their Shops here, to several thousand of our school children, at the National Soldiers Home where nearly two thousand members are cared for, and to numerous other large gatherings. 

In this way you inspired thousands upon thousands of our citizens to even greater efforts for the Red Cross, and I feel that we are greatly indebted to you for your untiring and patriotic services. 

Wishing your continued success, I am 

Yours very truly, 
N.C. Adams 
Second Red Cross War Fund Campaign
for Vermilion County, Illinois. 


Transcription Notes:
Please also double check the signature, I couldn't see whether it was an "N" or a "V" Check the second half of section 2(right side of page), ninth line. The word omitted from the transcription is 'pose' and there should be a period after said word. Take another look at section 3, paragraph 3, line 2. The cutoff word starts with c so it would be safe to say that the word in question is 'country'.