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Flight Round-Ups

In addition to the group flights that are urged for attending Annual Conventions, at least one big NAA Flight Round-Up each year is contemplated. Here is where you have fun! With hundreds of aircraft from far and near making gay rendezvous for fellowship and sport... with greeting committees, special events and planned entertainment, our Flight Round-Ups can be memorable highlights of the year for every aviation enthusiast. Come along with NAA and help promote some real "regattas of the air" - the rollicking, big Flight Round-Ups!

The Social Side

Many NAA Chapters find great pleasure and recreation in luncheons, banquets, dances and paries, aviation outings and various social events. Some Chapters have elaborate club rooms with facilities for cards, games, dancing and other recreations. "Birds of a feather" like to do things together... families often are brought in on the fun.


Club Privileges

Most Chapters extend full privileges of their club and other facilites to visiting NAA members. Your NAA Credentials are an "Open Sesame" to congenial acquaintances, a place to relax, when you're a stranger in town.