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NAA Membership Classification


 Open to any company interested in aviation, whether or not engaged in manufacturing or distributing aviation products.
 Minimum fee - yearly $100.00.

Organization Affiliate:

 For groups such as local and state aero clubs and other membership organizations. Individual members of Organization Affiliates are invited to join NAA at half regular dues ($3.00 instead of $6.00 yearly). Fee for the organization - yearly $250.00.


 Any group of 30 or more aviation-minded individuals may organize a chapter of NAA subject to acceptance of its constitution and by-laws. Chapter members receive full NAA benefits and Chapters send to NAA Headquarters a fee per member -
 yearly $3.00.

Flying Clubs:

 This type of membership is open to any organized flying club with 15 or more members. Benefits are same as for Chapter members except for voting in NAA matters. Dues per member - yearly $3.00.


 Any individual of good character who is interested in Keeping America First in the Air is invited to apply for membership in NAA. Full benefits are provided, except members cannot vote without Chapter affiliation. Regular dues - yearly $6.00.

 It costs but little to be an
NAA Citizen of Aviation, U.S.A.