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which a full 12 months of fatality-free operation had been achieved.
Following a CAB decision refusing to underwrite its operation of Martin 2-0-2's with mail pay, Pioneer Air Lines has begun converting back to an all DC-3 operation, using nine former United Air Lines DC-3's.
Germany's Deutsche Lufthansa airline will resume operation within Europe and to Cairo next spring and will fly to North and South America a year later, using four Convair 340's and four Lockheed Super Constellations initally.
New York Airways started its first all-passenger helicopter flights last month between New York's three airports, and also has placed in effect a passenger reservation system on combination mail-passenger flights.
Northwest Airlines will lease four Douglas DC-6A's from The Flying Tiger Line for a period of seven years at $26,071 rental per month per plane. Planes are to be converted to DC-6B's at the Tiger's expense.
Philippine Air Lines has purchased a Hiller 12B as part of a program designed to determine the feasibility of incorporating helicopters in its domestic inter-island operations.
Four fixed-base operators-Combs Flying Service, Sky-Taxi, Highway Airport & Flying Service, and Ray Willis, mgr. of Fayetteville, Ark., airport-began scheduled air taxi operations Sept. 1 under the name of Scheduled Skyways. Using four- and five-place Cessna aircraft, the company operates out of Tulsa, Okla., and Fayetteville, serving 10 cities on seven routes on a two-flights-a-day schedule.
National Air Taxi Conference has approved Mustang Aviation, Inc., for air taxi operations out of Love Field, Dallas. Mustang has signed passenger interchange agreements with 17 airlines.
Cause of the ditching of an Air France Lockheed Constellation in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Turkey was reported to have been the loss of the #3 engine from the airplane, followed by severe vibration and loss of propeller control on the #4 engine. Wreckage will not be raised, but the investigation will continue.
Northwest Airlines is running an operational evaluation of the Grimes rotating red beacon mounted on the fin of a Boeing Stratocruiser.

Aviation Bookshelf
PILOT AND AIR-CREW HANDBOOK. Published by Pilot's Handbook Co., Dept. 55, 5864 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. 72 pages. Price $2.50. Pocket-sized publication containing such data as ADIZ locations, CAR's air traffic rules, etc.

NAA Travel & Pilot Accident Insurance

Coverage A-For Members who travel as fare-paying passengers aboard licensed transportation anywhere in the world, including scheduled airlines. All licensed public transportation...ships, trains, buses, taxes, street included. The passenger is covered while riding, boarding or alighting.
(One unit of coverage, A, B, or C, consists of $1,000 for death, loss of limbs; or loss of eyesight; $500 for loss of one limb or sight of one eye; and $50 for medical expenses. Under Coverage A, a member many purchase up to 25 units-$25,000 death or dismemberment; $1,250 medical. Coverage A costs $1 per unit per year. A $10,000 policy would cost only $10.)
Coverage B-This includes all under coverage A and is broadened to include flight as passengers aboard private, business, or government-owned aircraft (any licensed aircraft other than combat-type anywhere in the world) whether fare-paying or not. Members may purchase up to 25 units at $2 per unit.
Coverage C- This is for pilots. It includes all protection afforded by Coverage B (which includes A) plus coverage while member is piloting or learning to pilot any duly licensed aircraft within the confines of North America. Cost for C is $4 per unit per year, to a maximum of $10,000 coverage with $500 medical. But this may be supplemented by another $15,000 of B to give a total of $25,000 protection as passenger.
Coverage D is for Civil Air Patrol pilots. It is identical with Coverage C above, but extends to include the piloting of Air Force aircraft on loan to Civil Air Patrol. Rate is $4.50.

To: National Aeronautic Assn., 1025 Connecticut Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C.
From: 1. Name in full...
2. Residence address...
(street) (City) (Zone) (State)
3. Occupation...
4. Nationality...Race...Date of Birth...Sex...
5. Beneficiary: Name...Address...
...Relationship of Beneficiary...
6. Has any company or Association at any time cancelled or refused to accept or renew ACCIDENT INSURANCE for you?...If answer is "yes," explain:
7. Encircle below coverage, amount, and premium desired:
[[6 column table]]
| | $5,000 | $10,000 | $15,000 | $20,000 | $25,000 |
| Coverage| $250 Med. | $500 Med. | $750 Med. | $1,000 Med. | $1,250 Med. |
| A. | $5.00 | $10.00 | $15.00 | $20.00 | $25.00 |
| B. | 10.00 | 20.00 | 30.00 | 40.00 | 50.00 |
| C. | 20.00 | 40.00 | 50.00* | 60.00* | 70.00* |
| D. | 22.50 | 45.00 | 55.00* | 65.00* | 75.00* |
[[end table]]
(*Note. Pilot coverage limited in amount to $10,000; higher limit applies to insured member while traveling as a passenger.)
8. I enclose $. . . . . . in payment of the insurance herein applied for and I warrant that the representations made herein are true and correct, and I understand and agree that the insurance herein applied for shall not take effect and be in force until this application has been received and accepted. If application is rejected, premium is to be returned to me.

Policy applied for this . . . day of . . . , 195. . .

IF YOU ARE a member of Civil Air Patrol and not already a member of the National Aeronautic Association, give CAP serial number here . . .; and add $3.00 to insurance premium to cover NAA membership fee.

Signature of Applicant . . . . . . . .