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NAA Low Cost Insurance

(Travelers and Lloyds of London). 

Coverage A
For members who travel as fare-paying passen-gers aboard licensed transportation anywhere in the world, including scheduled airlines. All licensed public transportation . . . ships, trains, buses, taxis, street cars . . . is included. The passenger is covered while riding, boarding or alighting.
(One unit of coverage, A, B or C, consists of $1,000 for death, loss of limbs, or loss of eyesight; $500 for loss of one limb or sight of one eye; and $50 for medical expenses. Under Coverage A, a member may purchase up to 25 units-$25,000 death or dismemberment; $1,250 medical. Cov-erage A costs $1 per unit per year. A $10,000 policy would cost only $10.)

Coverage B
This includes all under Coverage A and is broad-ened to include flight as passengers aboard private, business, or government-owned aircraft (any li-censed aircraft other than combat type, anywhere in the world) whether fare-paying or not. Mem-bers may purchase up to 25 units at $2 per unit.

Coverage C
This is for pilots. It includes all protection afforded by Coverage B (which includes A) plus coverage while member is piloting or learning to pilot any duly licensed aircraft within the confines of North America. Cost for Coverage C is $4 per unit per year, to a maximum of $10,000 coverage with $500 medical. . . but this may be supplemented by another $15,000 of B to give a total of $25,000 protection as a passenger. (Exception: cost to CAP members, $4.50 per unit; includes coverage while flying Air Force equipment on loan or donated.)

Equivalent coverage costs non-members more in the ratio of approximately 3 to 2.

Rates slightly higher for residents of California.