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THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Birmingham, Ala. 
Statement September 11, 1917
Loans and discounts... $12,633,121.38
Overdrafts... 261.86
U. S. bonds (par)... 1,500,000.00
State of Alabama bonds... 127,000.00
Liberty Loan bonds... 309,350.00
Stock in Federal Reserve Bank... 99,000.00
Other stock and bonds... 1,558,701.81
Banking house... 422,072.95
Other real estate... 71,461.57
In vault... $ 591,909.77
With banks. 3,861,499.82
With U. S. Tr. 83,500.00
With Federal Reserve Bk. 1,501,921.03--6,038,830.62

Capital stock... $1,500,000.00
Surplus and profits... 1,578,051.66
Reserved for taxes... 31,882.29
Circulation... 1,400,000.00
Individual. $15,676,563.99
Bank... 2,249,470.97
U. S. ... 67,211.28
U. S. Liberty Loan... 85,620.00
Federal Reserve Bank... 162,000.00-- 18,240,866.24

Civic association and Chamber of Commerce day at State Fair.
At the Theatres
Jefferson: Al G. Field's Greater Minstrels; night performance at 8:15.
Lyric: Keith vaudeville. Matinee at 3 o'clock. Night performance, 7:30 and 9 o'clock.
Bijou: Superior vaudeville and feature pictures. Continuous performances, 1 to 11 p.m.

Will Take Up Former Line of Stocks and Secur[[?i]] Investments

George B. Ward, preside[[nt?]]
commission until Novembe[[r?]]
time he will deliver the se[[?]]
to Dr. N. A. Barrett, [[?]]
Mr. Ward last Monday [[?]]
dency in the municipal e[[?]]
come a broker-a regular [[?]]
No more politics-20 ye [[?]]
says Mr. Ward.
Mr. Ward stated at the [[?]]
day that he would retire on November [[?]]
he would come downtown to his own office and begin doing business as a broker. He will take up his old line, stocks and bonds and general security investments. He will be alone in his venture, the former impression that he would have a partner being corrected by Mr. Ward.

Realtors Lunched at the Southern Club
Realtors lunched at the Southern club yesterday for the first time and Secretary McDavid stated last night that aside from having a good luncheon they had one of the most interesting programmes ever heard by the membership. 
H. Key Milner conducted the "revival" and there were many who "came through" on the building idea in all of its relative forms.

Report of Litigation
M. M. Ullman, city attorney, will file with the city commission within the next few days possibly today or tomorr[[ow?]]


Thrilling Race Between Biplane and Automobile at Alabama State Fair

Civic Association, Chamber of Commerce, Tuscaloosa and Jasper Day--Expect Record Breaking Crowd


Free Attractions and Cavallo's Band Please Immense Crowds--Midway Mecca for Pleasure Seekers

9 a. m.--Gates open.
9 to 12--Judging of the exhibits, cattle, swine, poultry in all departments.
1 p. m.--Concert by Memoli's band.
1:30 p. m.--Horse races begin  Derby starts at 2:30.
2 p. m.--Concert by Cavallo's concert band.
2 p. m.--Hippodrome shows in front of the grandstand.
3:30 p. m.--Ruth Law in airplane race with automobile.
3:45 p. m. Motorcycle races. 
7 p. m.--Concert by Cavallo's concert band.
7:30 p. m.--Hippodrome shows in front of grandstand.
8:45 p. m.--Ruth Law in airplane flight.
9 p. m.--Pain's fireworks.

[[?]] Law [[?]] previou[[s re]]cords of [[?]] loop yesterday when [[?]] her machine [[?]] making her flight [[?]] grounds. Her [[?]] flights [[?]] record going [[?]] three better.
[[?]] Iseminger will have to not only be able to pour the gas to the Stutz Bear Coat roadster that he will drive this afternoon, as well as keep clear of the fences, but he will have to be staked to a well-sized nerve to beat out Ruth Law as she flies over his head with that boisterous biplane that she will drive through the air while he stays on the ground as much as possible in his automobile. 
This is really one of the great features of the big Alabama State Fair that is drawing the thousands to the grounds and increasing the patronage each day. Miss Law will race the automobile, running just as close to the ground as possible, not to clip off fall millinery or heads. She says she will beat Iseminger, local motor racer, but Iseminger says that she won't have easy pickings as she would have the public believe. There is a $250 purse and a loving cup at stake in this race.

And, too, today is Civic association day, Chamber of Commerce day and Tuscaloosa and Jasper day. That will mean that the crowd will be greatly augmented from out of town, as well, as by the two
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[[(Continued on Page Seven)]]
"Buster" Brown Takes Them in Hand and the Party "Took in Everything" After Miss Law's Sensational Flight 

Yesterday afternoon Ruth Law invited Governor and Mrs. Henderson to drive out to the fairgrounds and see her break a world's record in looping the loop and asked me to go along and see that she did it. 

It didn't take me long, as I knew it was going to be a memorable afternoon, and it was. "Poilu," her French police dog, was standing in the rear of her car when we went to get it, but as Mrs. Henderson thought his head looked too wolfish to be at such close quarters, he very much against his will, allowed himself to be held in Mr. Oliver's lap, on the front seat. She told the governor's wife that he was entirely harmless if no attention was paid to him. It seems that the breed is unused to petting, and yet she has spoiled him with her caresses. 

The drive to the fairgrounds revealed the fact that it was to be a great afternoon for flying and Miss Law was jubilant. "Buster" Brown had reserved a box for the governor and his party and had seen to it that it was decorated with the Stars and Stripes, and as Alabama's chief executive stepped out of the auto in front of the grandstand, Cavallo, catching the spirit of the day, started a patriotic selection as the crowd cheered. 

I saw between Mrs. Henderson and Ruth Law and from their joyousness, you would have thought it was the first time they had ever been to a fair, and I am sure if the various performers who appeared on the stage could have heard their estatic [[ecstatic]] praise, and seen them leading the clapping, they would have felt that at last they were being appreciated for t heir worth. 

I do not remember ever seeing a child enjoy pantomime more than did Mrs. Henderson the act in which the two clowns starred and the donkey featured. She was so afraid the governor would miss some of the funny stunts that she kept calling his attention to it. He didn't need any punching to enjoy it, for a broad smile was playing over his face from the moment the trio came on until they left the stage. At times Ruth Law was doubled up with laughter. I enjoyed them more than I did the show. 

* * * 

It is a great thing to have the heart of a child and to be able to get joy out of life. It is a great thing to have sympathy and be touched with the pleasures and sorrows of others. It is a great thing to be appreciative and show it. No troup ever played to a box of people who were more enthusiastic in their praise than was the governor's party. They applauded everything-on the bill and said it was the finest open air performance they had ever seen. (Don't let President Brown or Secretary Dent hear this.) 
* * * 
When time came for Ruth Law to fly she got up and said: "Governor I am going to fly low past the grandstand and salute you, and then when I get high up in the air, I am going to wave at you." With the repartee that has made her famous, Mrs. Henderson replied: "That's all right, I don't mind it just so you keep up your flirtation with him only when you are out of reach." With a smile and a wave, she bowed her way out. And then the tender heart of the governor's wife began to get in its work and she kept saying, "I hope she will not have an accident." 

* * * 

To please "Buster" Brown and to honor the governor and his wife, Ruth Law began her flight from the track just in front of the pavilion where they were sitting, and in spite of the protests of her husband lit at the same spot, a dangerous and difficult undertaking on account of the narrowness of the race course. It seems in her determination to win new laurels she was just the bit reckless. It was by far the greatest flight made by her engagement. 

* * * 

She circled low for a bit in ever widening circles, climbing by degrees, 

(page cutoff) 

show, and it proved to be a real treat to the whole crowd. Baby Sue, the elephant, did some fine stunts. Trainer Wilson, who has been hadling [[handling]] ferocious animals for 27 years, gave a fine exhibition with the lions. Another trainer had a bunch of nasty tempered leopards to put through their acts. Then the princess, the girl trainer, made her gang of savage tigers do her bidding. She then came over and sat with our party and amused us very much by saying she used to ride in the airdome, but it was getting on her nerves and so she got to fooling with tigers, as it wasn't so dangerous. 

* * * 

Guess what set Mrs. Henderson and Ruth law wild? Just four cute little baby lions, only five weeks old, which were taken from mother lioness because of her bad temper, and given to a water spaniel to raise. Three are getting along finely, but the fourth has been puny from its birth, and so is not put in the cage on exhibition like the others, but stays in an old trunk with its foster mother, and is fed on raw eggs, malted milk, and as a delicacy gets a chicken about once a week. Both of the women had to take a cub in their arms and fondle it like it was a kitten. 

* * * 

We took in the wild west show and saw the daring male and female riders, the trick donkey, and the big, unmanageable steer, and met the champion lady broncho buster of the world, who was a slim, girlish miss who doesn't know what fear is when it comes to riding bucking horses. The outfit really carries a number of plainsmen and true western women. They have the accent, and then they deliver the goods in the way of marksmanship and riding. 

* * * 

I always have been sorry for freaks. Somehow they get my sympathy, I'll not enumerate all we saw or all I know. It might take too long and be embarrassing. There was the usual armless wonder; the living skelton [[skeleton]], and the fat lady; the tattooed man, and the family who looked like children. The dwarfs were good, but, oh! how tired the little people looked, for yesterday was a strenuous day for all the actors on the Midway. It was a 12-hour day. Just think of having to go through such a day. To be stared at and questioned by hundreds of strangers, and then to have to go through one's tricks time after time! I am glad I am not a freak. 

* * * 

I have forgotten its name, but the last place we went in was about the biggest laugh producer of all. It's the show with the mirrors and the plateglass so mixed up that it causes everyone who tries to find his way about in it to get badly mixed. Talk about dual personality! Why, in the blooming thing a man has a dozen representations of himself. I was just behind Governor Henderson and it seemed to me as if Alabama has at least 12 governors all of the same size, look and dress. 

* * * 

We left the Tutwiler at 1:30 and got back at 6:30, dusty and tired, but oh! the fun we had. Governor Henderson forgot affairs of state. rMs. [[Ms.]] Henderson had put behind her the fact that she was the first lady in the state, and was just a natural, charming woman, who was having a good time and didn't care who knew it. Ruth Law acted as if she wasn't a world celebrity and entered into everything with the joy and abandon of a schoolgirl out for a good time. "Buster" Brown was unconscious that he was the president of the fair, and took as much interest in the various shows as though he had just come to town to see the sights. I even got it out of my head that I was a newspaper man and enjoyed myself just as if I didn't have to write the whole thing up. Don't you wish you could have been with us? It was loads of fun. 




Daredevil Ruth Law Will Depend on Centrifugal Force to Hold Her on Wing. 

A great thing, centrifugal force! On its power Miss Ruth Law, who calls herself a "seasoned and cautious" flyer, stakes her life this week in a stunt at the Trenton Interstate Fair in which she stands in an erect position and foot-free on the wing of an airplane which is looping the loop. 

This is her pet stunt for the season, invented to outdare aviators who merely stroll about on the rim of the wings of a plane traveling a hundred miles an hour. She learned it in four stages. First she kneeled on the wings during the loop. Then she stood up, but with a husky piece of rope in her hands, the other end of which was tied to the machine. Then she let go the rope, but put her feet in straps. Now she waves both hands at the sun, plants her two feet firmly on the ribs of the plane, and turns a sommersault [[somersault]] in the sky without thinking of being afraid. 

A fair pupil should learn this trick inside of two months, according to Miss Law, who tried to train some stage women acrobats to do it last winter. Having originated the idea, she intended to share the glory with an actual performer other than herself. Her generosity proved expensive, for both of her two pupils were dismal failures. Not that they tried and came smashing to earth. They never got to the point of trying. Thus was Miss Law forced to become her own daredevil specialist in her flying circus, after nine years of sober caution. She refuses to admit that even this is taking a very big chance. She says, however, that it is an "acquired taste." 

Miss Law has been flying in America and elsewhere since 1912, when she entered the field as the third woman pilot in America. In 1916 she broke the world's long-distance record by flying 590 miles without a stop. She was the first woman to loop the loop. This was in 1915, when she had three years of experience behind her. To her thorough familiarity with each step of the way she attributes her remarkable avoidance of accidents. She says that "beating the game" is all a matter of figuring it out beforehand, knowing your machine from stem to stern and keeping alive the sense of caution that goes to sleep in the excitement of flying. 

In 1917 Miss Law flew in France, the only woman to win the privilege during the war. Since then she has been giving exhibition flights in China, Japan and the Philippines and at various State and county fairs in this country. She will exhibit with her flying circus at the Trenton Fair this week.