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[[[[Image 1]] mostly covered by first page of letter]]

                PIRTRAIT PAINTER
                103 WEST RIVERVIEW AVENUE
                  PHONE HE MLOCK 7093
                 DAYTON S. OHIO

Mrs.Charles A. Oliver                            Page 2.
"Early Birds"
7 June 1946

   I wish to state at this time that the entire project
is a speculative venture of my own and that I am conducting it entirely at my own expense.
              Thank you in advance for your cooperation,
I am,

                      Yours respectfully,
                    Lewis Eugene Thompson

Encl: (1)
 Photo., Wright Bros.

[[Image 2]]

[[Image 3]]

CHA[[cutoff]]  [[cutoff]]SUITE 1014,
[[cutoff - Morrison]]ORRISON
[[cutoff]]O, ILL.

Transcription Notes:
[[cutoff]] Denotes words which are partially covered by an image or letter. My best guess for words which are cutoff are put in brackets.