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[[column 1]]

He Exchanges Messages with Wisconsin Governor by Morse Instead.

Attendance Figures
[[4 column table]]

| --- | 1921. | 1920. | 1919. | 
| dnesday ..... | 7,674 | 7,919 | 5,567 |
| ursday ......| 11,513 | 13,600 | 10,428 |
| iday......... | 41,267 | 50,249 | 40,004 | 
| aturday....... | 32,823 | 38,233 | 37,507 |
| unday ........ | 24,007 | 27,622 | 28,497 |
| onday ........ | 42,146 | 61,927 | 61,431 |
| uesday........ | 46,295 | 67,170 | 78,612 |
| Wednesday ..... | 39,015 | 56,928 | 71,653 |

  The administration building, the racetrack enclosure and the grandstand at the state fair grounds yesterday assumed an air reminiscent of a political caucus, as state officials, legislators, and politicians forgathered in an informal all day reception.

  Today, Livestock Parade day, will be featured by the million dollar parade of livestock. The parade will pass down the race course in front of the grandstand at 4 o'clock.

  According to Secretary A. R. Corey of the fair board the parade this year will represent considerably more than $1,000,000 worth of prize purebred animals.

  The winning animals in all classes will be in their stalls and pens in the livestock barns all of today and tomorrow with the exception of the time occupied by the million dollar parade. This will afford an opportunity for the public to inspect the prize winners, as they will be adorned with the prize ribbons, enabling spectators to look over the best animals.

  Governor Kendall was the central figure of the day's activities at the exposition grounds. The

Continued on Page Seven


  Chicago. Sept. 1-Fair comm[[page torn]] hose buying developed at the open[[page torn]] the board of trade today and w[[page torn]] started steady to 1/2c higher with Se[[page torn]] ber at $1.21 1/2 @ 1.21 3/4, December [[page torn]] @1.23 1/4 and May at $1.26 @ 1.26 1/2.

  The trade construed a private monthly grain report as bullish and bought fr[[page torn]] ly, making somewhat of an upturn. [[page torn]] hour after the market opened [[page torn]] up 3/4c to 1 1/4 above the open[[page torn]]

  Corn also showed firmness at the [[page torn]] opening prices being unchanged to 1/2c higher with September at 53 3/4c. December at 53 3/4 @ 54c and May at 57 7/8c. Both September and December advanced slightly after opening but slumped to opening figures at the end of the first hour.

  Oats followed corn opening a fraction to 1/3c above yesterday's finish and making a gain of 1/4c to 1/2c over the opening prices during the initial hour. September opened at 33 5/8 @ 34c. December at 37 1/2 @ 37 5/8c and May at 41 3/4c.

  Provisions weer dull with September lard at a fractional premium over October. 


  Chicago, Sept. 1.-Hogs-Receipts, 19,000 head; left over 5,883 head; market. opening steady to 10c higher than yesterday's average to yard traders and shippers; $9.50 paid; quality fair; yesterday's average, $7.95.

  Cattle-Receipts, 12,000 head.
  Sheep-Receipts, 22,000 head.


[[5 column table]]
| ---  | Thurs. | Contract. | Estd. Yes. | Estd. Tmw. | 
| Wheat | 114 | 82 | 114 | 110 |
| Corn | 440 | 414 | 440 | 550 |
| Oats | 76 | 55 | 76 | 110 |
| Rye | 4 | --- | 4 | 5 |
| Barley | 15 | --- | 15 | 15 |

[[page ripped and missing letters]]
  New York, Sept. 1.-The foreign oil [[page torn]]roup furnished the only noteworthy ex[[page torn]]eption to the lower trend of prices at [[page torn]]e opening of today's stock market. [[Page torn]]exican and Pan-American Petroleums [[page torn]]egistered 1 point gains, presumably in [[page torn]]onnection with reports of an early com[[page torn]]romise agreement between the Mexi[[page torn]]n government and American oil interest. [[page torn]]il steel and rails, and shippings and [[page torn]]od shares were lower. These were [[page torn]]iefly represented by Crucible Steel, [[page torn]]eneral Electrics, Reading, Chicago and [[page torn]]orthwestern, American International [[page torn]]nd American Sugar where losses extend[[page torn]]d from large fractions to 1 1/2 points.

(Furnished by Harper & Sons.)

[[two column table]]
| --- | Open Thurs. | 
| [[page torn]]m'n Inter. Corp ... | 29 |
| [[page torn]]m'n Locomotive ... | 86 | 
| [[page torn]]m'n Tel. & Tel... | 106 |
| [[page torn]]m'n Woolen... | 69 1/4 |
| [[page torn]]naconda Copper... | 34 1/4 |
| [[page torn]]sphalt... | 44 1/4 |
| [[page torn]]tchison... | 85 1/2 |
| [[page torn]]m'n Sumatra... | 44 1/2 |
| [[page torn]]tlantic Gulf & W. N. D. ... | 23 7/8 |
| [[page torn]]aldw[[page torn]] Loco... | 76 |
| [[page torn]]alt[[page torn]] Ohio... | 37 |
| [[page torn]]et[[page torn]] eel Corp... | 48 3/4 |
| [[page torn]]a[[page torn]] Pacific... | 111 5/8 |
| [[page torn]]ke & Ohio... | 54 |
| [[page torn]]& N. W. ... | 64 |
| [[page torn]]& P. Ry. ... | 32 1/2 |
| [[page torn]]oducts... | 68 |
| [[page torn]] Steel... | 55 3/4 |
| [[page torn]]ane Sugar... | 8 |
| [[page torn]]bber ... | 9 1/8 |
| [[page torn]]... | 13 3/8 |
| [[page torn]]Motors... | 10 1/4 |
| [[page torn]]orth. Pfd... | 72 1/2 |
| [[page torn]]. Rail. ... | 95 |
| [[page torn]]on Copper... | 32 |
| [[page torn]]ional Nick... | 12 3/4 |
| [[page torn]]pringfield... | 38 |
| [[page torn]] Petroleum... | 101 1/8 |
| [[page torn]]teel... | 23 |
| [[page torn]]ates Oil... | 11 3/8 |
| [[page torn]] Pacific... | 73 5/8 |
| [[page torn]]ican... | 45 3/4 |
| [[page torn]]nia ... | 28 |
| [[page torn]]rrow... | 11 5/8 |
| [[page torn]]... | 66 1/2 | 
| [[page torn]]tores ... | 52 1/2 | 
| [[page torn]]utch Oil ... | 48 1/4 | 
| [[page torn]]ker Corp. ... | 72 1/8 |
| [[page torn]]ef. Corp. ... | 59 | 
| [[page torn]]il ... | 34 7/8 | 
| [[page torn]]acific ... | 118 5/8 | 
| [[page torn]]eel ... | 74 1/2 | 
| [[page torn]]pper ... | 45 |
| [[page torn]]house ... | 43 1/2 |
| [[page torn]]arvester ... | 75 |
| [[page torn]]ug ... | 48 |

[[page torn]]urnished by Harper & Sons.)
(Friday Opening.)

[[2 column table]]

| [[page torn]]nery Ward... | 16 3/4 | 
| [[page torn]]oebuck... | 64 | 
| [[page torn]]acking... | 95 3/4 | 
| [[page torn]]nternational... | 22 1/4 | 
| [[page torn]] Leather... | 7 1/8 | 
| [[page torn]]tal Motors... | 5 1/4 |
| [[page torn]] Warner... | 23 1/2 | 
| [[page torn]]bide Co. ... | --- |
| [[page torn]]cNeill... | 7 7/8 |
| [[page torn]]& Co. ... | 90 |
| [[page torn]]tors... | 17 3/4 |
| [[page torn]] Leather... | 12 [[smudged]] | 
| [[page torn]]Cab... | 93 |
| [[page torn]]Rys. Pfd... | 2 |
| [[page torn]]... | 44 1/2 |
| [[page torn]]Motora... | 5 1/2 |

[[2nd column]]

[[image - photo of Ruth Law in her airplane racing a car on a racetrack.  Photo spans column 2, 3, 4, and 5]]



  Washington, D. C., Sept. 1. - (Associated Press) - Word was awaited by federal authorities today from Brigadier General Bandholtz in the disturbed West Virginia area to determine whether martial law should be declared and federal troops sent in to put down the "unlawful and insurrectionary proceedings."

  If by noon President Harding's proclamation calling on all persons engaging in the disturbances to return to their homes is not properly complied with a proclamation declaring martial law in Kanawha, Fayette, Boone, Logan and Mingo counties is expected to be issued and two regiments of 1,000 men each sent from Camp Sherman, O., and Camp Dix, N. J.

  Logan, W. Va., Sept 1 --(Associated Press)--At 2 o'clock this morning, firing continues at Crooked creek and additional deputies were being sent in that direction.

  Two hundred additional state troopers arrived here from Charleston at midnight.

  Last night's reports indicated quiet prevailed on Blair mountain late in the day, but that on Crooked creek firing which began at 10 oclock yesterday morning continued.

  Many families living along Mill creek were moving away from the boundary line and seeking shelter in the interior of Logan county, according to reports brought in from the hills last night.  Similar reports were received from other parts of the border.

  Another call for help was sent to neighbring counties last night, authorities stated, adding that McDowell had another force of 400 on the way.
  Word was received from Congressman Goodykontz at Washington late last night that he had advised the Washington government of the necessity of sending troops, Logan authorities announced.


Williamson, W. Va., Sept. 1 -
(United  News) - Telephone  [[page folded]]ports reaching the office of Sheriff Pinson here indicate that a bloody battle, unprecedented in American history, is being fought along the watershed of the Guyandotte and the Little Coal rivers. 

These reports are to the effect that virtually the entire army of invading miners, estimated to number almost 6,000, whose march into the striking coal fields was supposed to have been stopped by Brig. Gen. H. H. Bandholtz, is at grips with a force of sequel strength composed of state police, deputy sheriffs from several countries and thousands of citizens.


The mountain side for mines is ablaze with rifle fire. The conditions under which the engagement is being fought and the [[rip in paper]]character of the [[rip in paper]] received make it impossible to give any trustworthy sort [[rip in paper]] estimate of the casualties suffered, but they are believed to have been [[rip in paper]]with a likelihood that [[rip in paper]] more lives will be sacrificed. 

It is known that [[rip in paper]]of the ridge - all deputy sheriffs according to the report received - have been killed the fighting thus far.  The [[fold in paper]] only one of the victims, John Gore, was [[smudge on paper]]

Miners Suffer Losses.

 It is regarded as certain that the invading union miners have suffered severe losses. There has been heavy firing throughout the day, according to reports received by Sheriff Pinson, the first serious clash occurring this morning, when the [[fold in paper]] miners, advancing across [[fold in paper]] mountain, encountered an outpost officer and volunteer defenders. Several hundred shots were exchanged and the miners were compelled to retire.

Women Jurors Fall For Handsome Thieves

 Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 1 --
(United News)--After indicting James Llewellyn and James Gorman, young and handsome, for petty larceny over the theft of an automobile, women serving on the local grand jury left their seats and shook hands with the defendants.
 An indictment for grand larceny was asked for, but the six women jurors refused to agree to anything stronger than petty larceny.
 Judge Malcolm Glenn severely lectured the women for their action.

 This special edition of The Evening Tribune, bearing the accompanying autographed photo of Ruth Law and a picture of one of her most daring exploits, a race with Gaston Chevrolet, auto racer, is being sold for the benefit of the Milk and Ice fund of The Evening Tribune.
 By buying one of these papers you are not only gaining a souvenir of the state fair and Miss Law's flying circus, but contributing to a fund which badly needed in Des Moines to buy milk for the babies of the poor.
 Unemployment, divorce, unsettled industrial conditions, have thrown more children upon the mercies of the Associated Charities this summer than ever before.
 "Had it not been for the money collected by The Evening Tribune for milk and ice this summer, I do not like to think what might have been the summer's toll among the poor children of the city," declared H.S. Hollingsworth, secretary of the Associated Charities.
 Your money--paid for this paper--goes to keep these babies from starving during the coming months.
 Miss Law is donating her services entirely without charge, in order to put the fund "over the top." 
 She is doing her "bit"--for which we extend her our heartfelt thanks.
 To you folks who give, we also want to express our appreciation of your generosity, and the assurance that your money will be spent in a good cause.

Who Ruth Law Is and What She Has Done; Short Sketch of Her Life and Accomplishments

 Ruth Law, who has thrilled thousands with her daredevil flights and wing-walking stunts at the state fair this year, is a Boston girl, born and brought up in the aristocratic old eastern city.
 She was the daughter of Dr. Frank Law, a physician. Her brother, Rodman Law, balloon instructor at Kelly field during the war, was a daredevil stunt performer for the movies.

Holds All Women's Records.

 Miss Law holds all records for women aviators.
 She held the American nonstop record, man or woman, in 1916, which at that time was the second longest flight in the world.
 She was called on to make a 2,500-mile flight for the first Liberty loan, and was given a diamond medal by the government for her services.
 She made a spectacular night flight in a blazing airplane around the Statue of Liberty in 1916 before thousands of people, including President Wilson, when the statue was permanently flood with light.

Flew During War.

 She was the only woman authorized by the war department to wear the United States military uniform during the world war.
 In 1917 she was sent to Europe by the New York World to study military aviation.

Oldest Flier in Experience

 She is the oldest flier in point of experience, man or woman, in the world.
 She has flown in nearly every country in the world.
 She established the aerial mail in the Philippines.
 Miss Law has been flying since 1911--a record of ten years flying experience without a scratch.
 Her flying circus is probably the most popular aerial entertainment now being booked in this country.


Camden, N.J., Sept. 1.--The U.S.S. Washington, the navy's latest superdreadnaught, will be launched today at the yards of the New York Shipbuilding company here.
 Miss Jean Summers, daughter of Congressman J.W. Summers, of Walla Walla, Wash., will be the sponsor.
 The Washington, third of the navy's electrically driven battleships, is similar to the Colorado, launched at same time plant on March 22 last, and now being completed in the wet basin; the Maryland, which is about to be delivered to the navy, and the West Virginia. All four will be equipped with 16-inch guns.


 New York, Sept. 1.--(Associated Press)--Under the will of the late Clarence W. Kline, a Yale graduate, who died in Bridgeport, Conn., Aug. 16, the town of Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, Cal., is bequeathed $15,000 for the erection of a monument to Juan Rodriguez Carillo, Spanish explorer.
 The money is to be paid on the death of Merriam C. Christiansen of Badger, Ia., who holds it as a trust fund during his lifetime.


House prowlers took jewelry valued at $50 from the home of Mrs. F.E. Carter, 1816 Bluff street, Wednesday night. Mrs. Carter was unable to ascertain how the prowlers had gained entry to her home.
[[image - photo of Ruth Law signed "Sincerely yours Ruth Law"]]