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Ruth Law's Flying Circus Thrilling Ak-Sar-Ben Crowds

Something in the line of a super-thrill was provided for yesterday's State Fair visitors when they watched Louis James, 19-year-old aviator, climb from a racing automobile onto a ladder swinging from an airplane. The stunt by James was a step beyond the antics of the late Ormer Locklear who performed two year ago and climbed from one airplane to another by grasping a rope ladder. James, after passing to the ship, showed what a safe thing aviation is—for some folks—by hanging from the ladder by his teeth, swinging gaily in the breeze by one foot and otherwis e romping over the ship.

SPORTS       The Ohio State Journal      SECTION
Eight of Performers in Air and on Track at Today's Speed Carnival at the Driving Park
Stage Is Set for Championship Auto Races at the Driving Park
ying Circus Will Also Be A Feature of Speed Carnival
to Polo ad Parachute Drop Are Two Attractions Which Are Sure to Furnish Thrills for Immense Crowd Which Is Expected to Be on Hand.
en Starter Frank Lawwell drops
ag at 2:30 this afternoon that
away the first field in the cham-
ip auto races at Driving Park,
reatest crowd that ever wit-
an outdoor event at the Liv-

n Ave. speedway, is expected
on hand.
ed dirt track drivers in cars of
ability, Ruth Law, the world's 
er aviatrice, and her flying cir-
nd championship auto polo are
of the events on the stellar
that are expected to prove a 
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Columbus and vicinity to give
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rom 11 o'clock in the morning
2:30 in the afternoon.

The Better Sports Association, sponsors for the performance, are against playing a "pat" hand in attempting to duplicate the success of their first "show" in May, but the officials of the association are certain that the program arranged for this afternoon contains more variety and has more merit than the previous affair. The May show was one of the "humdinger" kind, that set the people to talking, but they believe the one today is going to put the people right on the edge of their seats.

Miss Law has added another event to her circus, a thriller that is in keeping with her feat of standing on the top wing of the plane, while the machine is looping the loop, and the stunt of changing from auto to airplane. Jack Cope, former army sergeant, will jump from Lieutenant Verne Treat's Curtiss plane while it is several hundred feet in the air, and will attempt to alight on the track.

Miss Law Has New Stunts.
Miss Law has several new tricks in her repertoire which she will show for the first time in Columbus today. Louis James, the youthful Chicago acrobat, will make his twenty-fifth change from auto to plane, jumping from Ray Lampkin's Duesenberg racer to Treat's ship.. The change will be made directly in front of the grand stand.

Leon Duray, dirt trach champion, will have plenty to do this afternoon if he succeeds in keeping in front of Ray Claypool, the Kansas Cty flash, Lampkin, Hill, Lecklider, Murray and Patton. Every driver has put in plenty of hours this week hopping up his mount and Claypool and Hill registered fast miles on the Driving Park track yesterday. Claypool seems to be the boy that is going to give Duray the hottest fight for the premier honors and first money, and his Miller Special is faster now than when he was here in May.

The cars that will start are as fast as anything on the dirt tracks. The Oldfield Golden Submarine, which Duray will tool, holds all world's records from one to 50 miles, and also holds the local track record of 49 seconds. Claypool's Miller is the same mount that Tom Alley drove to fifth place at Indianapolis, while Lampkin tools the Duesenberg that brought fame and fortune to Tommy Milton. The Templar, Essex and Monroe Specials are three of the fastest light cars in the game and are certain to make good showings.

In addition to the six auto races the world's champion auto polo team will take on the Franco-Americans. Two 10-minutes chukkers will be
