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Who's this natty looking girl in flying togs?
Why, it's Ruth Law, of course that daring aviatrix, who resits all law of gravity in her thrilling performances stop a speeding airplane at Ak-Sar-Ben field every afternoon and evening. 
She leaps from an automobile to a swiftly moving plane, she loops the loops while standing on top of the plane, and performs countless other spectacular stunts high in the air. 
Flying in darkness matters little to Ruth. She illuminates her plane with dazzling lights, pilots it just high enough so that she can be seen by all, and then with an air of being "perfectly at home," walks and performs on the wings of the plane and it goes into loops, tail-spins and nose dives. 

To Thrill the King's Crowds
Ruth Law and her partner, Lieutenant Verne Treat.

Ruth Law, aviatrix extraordinary, who will thrill the crowds at Ak-Sar-Ben from Tuesday through Saturday, arrived in Omaha Sunday morning from St. Paul, where she flew at the Minnesota state fair. 
Miss Law has the longest experience of any aviator, man or woman, in the world. A native of Boston, the daughter of a Boston doctor, Miss Law early developed a desire to fly and aided by her brother, Rodman, and aided by her brother, Rodman, aviator and balloon instructor, she began her flying career in 1910 and began her flying career in 1910 and won the American nonstop record in 1916 which at the time was the second longest flight on record. 
During the war Miss Law flew continually for the liberty loan campaigns and negotiated a 2,500-mile trip for which she was awarded a medal by the government. 1916 she made a flight around the Statue of Liberty in a blazing plane the night that marked the statue's permanent lighting. 
In 1917 Miss Law was sent to Europe to study military aviation by the New York World. She is the only woman who was authorized by the war department to wear the United States uniform during the war and the only woman who flew in the world war. 
Miss Law has flown in nearly every country in the world and established air mail in the Philippines. Her aerial circus is probably the most popular flying show in the United States. 
The supreme thriller in aerial acrobatics and the one which has astounded the aeronautical world will be done at the Ak-Sar-Ben by Miss Law standing on the top of a plane looping the loop. 

Read her article on page 1, white section. 