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[Page 1]  
Table [Column 1]
Hayman, Mrs. Alfred......24
Herbster, Lieut. V. D......40
Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.23
Hilles, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. ......................4
Hills, Mrs. Kathleen.......34
Hitchcock, Mrs. Roswell D.30
Hobart, Mr. H. M.........36
Holloman, Mr. Richard G...37
Honeyman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. .............. 7
Horner, Mrs. J. W......... 6
Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. ......................16
Hulbert, Hon. Murray..Guest

Jessup, Miss Carrie I....... 1
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Underwood ......... 6
Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. ......................12
Judkins, Mr. W. D.........26

Kendall, Miss Georgiana...30
Kelmm, Mrs. Karl D......5
Knowles, Miss .............31
Kunz, Dr. George F.......18

LaGuardia, Fiorello H.....10
Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Christo-pher J. .................22
Laurence, Miss Eleanor.....35
Laurence, Mrs. M A........35
Law, Ruth Bancroft....Guest
Lecky, Mr. Charles S......34
Leland, Mr. Arthur S.....34
Leet, Mr. and Mrs. George K.  ......................30
Lewisohn, Mr. Adolph.....5
Lindner, Mr. and Mrs. Walter .......................11
Lowber, Miss I. E..........36
Lukens, Mrs. E. T.........35
Lukens, Miss Gertrude.....35

Mackay, Mr. and Mrs. Malcom S.
................. 33
Marchant, Mr. Luther ....36
Mason, Miss Alta L ......... 9
Mason, Miss Anna M ......... 9
McCreery, Miss ..............26
McDermott, Miss ......... 25
Meenan, Mr Danial L.,
  Jr. ......................25
Miles, Mr. and Mrs. S. A .. 12
Miller, Mrs. Roswell .......30
Mingle, Mr. Harry Bowers.27
Mingle, Mrs. Harry Bowers 25
Moore, Fredrick ......... 5
Mix, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
  W. .....................24
Morgan, Mr. and Mrs.
  George W. .............17
Morling, Miss A. .........21

  Table [Column 2]
Morris, Mr. Farwell .......24
Morris, Mr. William ......31

Namura, Mrs. S ...........26
Newcombe, Miss Jean .....37
Newman, Mr. William .....31
Nichols, Mr. and Mrs.
  Acosta ..................23
Nicholai, Mr. and Mrs. George
  H. ......................34
Nilson, Mr. Lars G ........37
Nyegaard, Mr. ............39

Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
  M. ......................8
Oliver, Mr. Charles....Guest

Page, Mr. William H......8
Peary, Rear-Admiral Robert
  E. ...................Guest
Peary, Mrs. Robert E.. Guest
Peary, Miss ...............5
Peck, Mr. Samuel W......10
Petroski, Mr. B. R.........25
Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
  ward McClure...........1
Peters, Mr. Edward Mc-
  Clure, Jr................1
Phelps, Mr. Ansel.........28
Phillips, Mrs. Harriet G.....35
Phillips, Mr. Nathaniel.....2
Pomeroy, Mr. and Mrs.
  Daniel E. ...............6
Pope, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 40
Potter, Miss Grace H......18
Presbrey, Mr. and Mrs.
Prisk, Miss Laura P.......10
Pugsley, Mr. Cornelius A..34
Pulitzer, Mr. Ralph........5

Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Louis D.38
Reinberg, Mrs. Gustave....35
Reinberg, Jr., Mr. Gustave.35
Richmond, Mrs. F. H......1
Roberts, Mr. William H....30
Robinson, Mr. Douglas.....18
Robinson, Mrs. Douglas. Guest
Rockhill, Hon. and Mrs.
  Clayton .................33
Rogers, Mr. Francis.......26
Rommel, Mr. E. B. .......37
Rosevear, Mr. and Mrs.
  Charles R. ..............30
Rumely, Dr. Edward A....23

Salt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert L.19
Sanders, Dr. Henry M.......16
Sandler, Mr. Bernard H.....31
Sargent, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
  liam D. ................21
Scott, Mr. Walter..........38
Scribner, Mr. and Mrs.
  Charles E. ..............19
See, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo B.34
Seko, Mr. K. ............25
Seko, Mrs. K.............27

  Table [Column 3]
Shrady, Mr. Henry M......28
Shulters, Miss Evelyn L....24
Sleicher, Mr. John A......34
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
  W. ......................8
Sondheim, Mr. Phineas.....11
Spratt, Mr. Charles E.....37
Steinmetz, Mr. Joseph A...8
Sterrett, Mr. and Mrs. Gold-
Sterrett, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. 14
Stieglitz, Miss Elizabeth....21
Straus, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Sturges, Mr. and Mrs. Ste-
  phen Perry ..............14
Sundstedt, Mr. ...........39
Swan, Mr. and Mrs. Harry.33
Swayne, Mr. Alred .......28
Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. W. M.12

Tailer, Mr. Edward N.....11
Tate, Miss .................31
Taylor, Mr. David H.......28
Taylor, Mr. James B........28
Terbell, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
  B. ......................17
Teshimi, Mr. S............27
Teshimi, Mrs. S............25
Tilton, Mr. Albert.........24
Tomlinson, Miss Bertha E.24
Townsend, Mr. and Mrs.
  Daniel C. ................9
Townsend, Mr. James B...38
Turner, Mr. K. M.........37
Tuska, Mr. Benjamin......11

Unger, Mr. Emil J.........31

Van Anda, Mr. ...........18
Van der Burgh, Mrs. L. R..10
Van Dyke, Mr. E. C........32
Van Slyke, Mr. and Mrs.
  Warren C. ..............20
Veit, Mr. George B.........22

Wagoner, Mr. Philip D....26
Wagoner, Mrs. Philip D...27
Ward, Mrs. E. Mortimer...3
Wardrop, Mr. G. Douglas..37
Weller, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.2
Wildman, Mr. Edwin .....40
Williams, Mr. Alexander S.40
Wilson, Mr. John A.......12
Wood, Mrs. Henry A. Wise. 9
Worden, Mr. and Mrs. E.C.19
Wortley, Mr. Montague....23
Wright, Mr. and Mrs. James.36
Wood, Mr. Henry A. Wise,
Wood, Mrs. Henry A. Wise. 5
Woodhouse, Mr. Henry,

Yada, Mr. C. ............25
Yada, Mrs. C..............27
Yasumoto, Mr. M..........27
Young, Mr. and Mrs. C. E..20 

[Page 2]
Table List

Guest Table [Column 1]
Rear Admiral Robert E.
Ruth Bancroft Law
Captain Roald Amundsen
Mr. Victor Carlstrom
Mr. Glenn H. Curtiss
Com. R. K. Crank
Hon. Murray Hulbert
Mr. Charles Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. H.P. Davison
Mr. Henry Woodhouse
Mrs. Robert E. Peary
Mrs. Douglas Robinson
Eleanor Gates
Mr. Henry A. Wise Wood
Mr. Alan R. Hawley
Beatrice Forbes-Robertson
Captain Robert C. Bartlett
Major Carl F. Hartmann
Mr. F. Trubee Davison
Mr. Albert J. Ditman
Mr. Wellesley L. Brown
Mr. Erl C. B. Gould

Table 1
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Barcus
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bridger
Mrs. F. H. Richmond
Miss Carrie I. Jessup
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mc-
  Clure Peters
Mr. Edward McClure Peters.

Table 2
Mr. Jerome M. Bell
Miss Edith Bell
Mrs. Charlotte Adler
Mr. E.J. Beurett
Mr. William P. Aldrich
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Weller
Miss Jennie Davis
Mr. Nathaniel Phillips

Table 3
Mrs. E. Mortimer Ward and

Table 4
Hon. and Mrs. Simon Gug-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Guggen-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pre-

Table 5 [Column 2]
Mr. and Mrs. John Greenough
Mr. Ralph Pulitzer
Miss Peary
Mrs. Henry A. Wise Wood
Mr. Frederick Moore
Mrs. John Cyrus Diston
Mrs. Karl D. Klemm
Mr. Henry Clews
Mr. Adolph Lewisohn

Table 6
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Under-
  wood Johnson
Mr. Robert Erskine Ely
Mrs. E. M. House
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Forbes-
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Pom-

Table 7
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hon. and Mrs. William
Judge and Mrs. Frederick E.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ham-
  lin Childs

Table 8
Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Hagar
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jerome
Mr. William H. Page
Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Ogden
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Smith
Mr. Joseph A. Steinmetz

Table 9
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace E. Fox
Mr. Alexander S. Williams
  and guests
Miss Anna M. Mason
Miss Alta L. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Castle

Table 10
Hon. Fiorello H. LaGuardia
Miss Thear Almerigotti
Mr. Giuseppe Ballanca
Mr. James l. Goodwin
Mr. Samuel W. Peck
Miss Laura P. Prisk
Miss Lenora Goodwin
Miss Anna Bodler
Mrs. L.R. van der Burgh

Table 11 [Column 3]
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lindner
Mr. R.J. Caldwell
Mr. Edward N. Tailer
Mr. Lee Foster Hartman
Mr. George H. Guy
Mr. Benjamin Tuska
Mr. Phineas Sondheim

Table 12
Mr. A. G. Batchelder
Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Miles
John A. Wilson

Table 14
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Cobb
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Perry
Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Starrett
Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin Starrett

Table 15
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra H. Fitch
Mr. A.A. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Archer H. Brown
Miss Constance Brown
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gould
Miss C. Anderson

Table 16
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Hart-
Dr. Henry M. Sanders
Mrs. William Pierson Hamil-
Mr. Sherman Day
Mrs. Henry A. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Hoyt

Table 17
Mr. and Mrs. Otis H. Culter
  and guests
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Ter-
Mr. and Mrs. George W.

Table 18
Mr. Douglas Robinson
Miss Grace Howard Potter
Mrs. James R. Clemens and
Mr. Arsene Alexandre
Mr. and Mrs. Harrington
Mr. Van Anda