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JANUARY 8 Fri. 1932 - Tough luck again today. I failed to be nominated for any S.B. office. Harriet, Kaki, Masao, etc. are certainly popular! Harry Minami - the clumsy jack-ass got my goat at the Hi Y meeting tonight. The big fat boar! 19 I have made 2 F's already in French. Resolution: Study more. Things aren't working so smoothly this year. In the first place, the awful roads are enuf to give me a nervous breakdown. Then, I've been trying to write stories & poems & have started on 6, but not one is finished. That reminds me - I sent a poem "in a nursery" to Sunset mag. for publication. In Probs class, DHS [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] talked about inviting some of us to her house for a social. [[H?]]! I wonder if she'll do it. Henyl[[?]]! I wonder if she'll do it! JANUARY 9 Sat 1932. Nothing much today, Diary - rainy weather - wrote "To Life" - sounds rather hackneyed. What will Mr C. say about it. I heard several volin solos over KGU. If I could only play it. Trying to write stories & poems & have started on 6, but not one is finished! That reminds me - I sent a poem "in a nursery[[?]]" to Sunset way [[?]]. for justification [[?]]. In Profs class, DHS talked about inviting some of you to her house for a social.