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Tues. 1932. St Nicholas arrived Today, but the receipt of it was not so thrilling and exciting as it had been previously. Why? - because I didn't expect any prizes or honors (Age limit 15 yrs.)

[[strikethrough]] Fri [[/strikethrough]] Thurs 19 Gee, so many things have piled up - Paris Essay, Poster contest, Scholastic 3 contests, St. Nick, C SA annual & contest, the Ke'Kuhian - I don't know where to begin!


Wed. 1932 - Diary, today isn't so bad a day. I took a stiff exam. in French today. What mark will old Baboon give me? There will be a history test tomorrow - stiff?

[[strikethrough]] Sat [[/strikethrough]] Fri 19 I've gotta decide a real problem. Shall I enter all the contests there will be, just for a lousy pin, or shall I just sit back and see others