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Sat. 1932 - Went to the movies tonight - Quick Millions - how rotten it was! After that, the circus - went to all the shows with a pass. The baboon certainly looked like old XL. I met Alice R---, and saw Y.D. with D. Y---

Tues. 19(17) Well, meet me! Seventeen! And what a fine birthday present - a stiff Eng test (I flunked, I'm sure) Made high in French tho. Am I feeling grand today? Funny, I've never felt so grand before.

Sun 1932 - I'm sweet sixteen! - As L. said on the road, "sweet 16 and not kissed yet!" I can hardly imagine I've lived one whole year since my 15th birthday! I went to Sunday School today, in my brand new tux.

[[strikethrough]] Wed. [[/strikethrough]] 19 The French semester tests are getting exciting. I find that I can get high grades if I only