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Sun. 1932. Mr. Clopton taught us at Sunday School. Imagine, D., he forgot to pass the offering box until I told him! No church service today, so I played Basketball with Herbert & others. First time in many a moon!

19 Today I received a letter from Yim Kai Look telling me he was coming up as the C'SA ad manager. I wonder what kind of fellar he is - I don't know why I answered his letter saying I wasn't going to meet him at the wharf.


Mon. 19 I believe this is my "crowdiest" day. H. returned the Kress ring she had taken (for no reason at all) on Friday. Tad Soma won the office of H.R. president from me - I was as a saphead in not nominating another "popular guy (con't)

19 [[strikethrough]] We [[/strikethrough]] Happy New Year! Melon seeds Junior Prohi finals, crowded the day - From Monday, I've been going on a new schedule  Kinda queer at first And! I'm the new HR pres.! yes sir! Defeated Shiglo Shintain. Today in Probs. class I learned