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FEBRUARY 4 Thurs. 1932- Gee, Diary, today has been such an uneventful day I scarcely know what to write besides [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] my expectation (?) to win a place on the ticket selling contest - There - I've said nothing - just like Calvin Coolidge! 19 I'm beginning to take a real interest in tennis, although its plain to me that I can never expect to be a really swell player. Herbert, Stanley Au are the only other tennis boys in our group. 19 first days in college. To begin with, let me tell you how strange it was to be away from home. I have fully realized what the words "home" FEBRUARY 5 Fri. 1932 Kung Hee Fat Choi! So much for that... a poster contest was announced and goodness knows I want to win 5 points. Herbert brought me to the realization that I don't go out much. He is going to the Sunday Supper, the soph. dance, and Hi Y. Well, I won't as be busy in March as in Feb. Godfrey & Fong took me to see "Forbidden Adventure at Lihue.