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Sun. 1932 [[strikethrough]]22[[/strikethrough]] - There was a baseball game but I didn't go - somehow I don't care at all for athletics. I don't find any interest in games. I'd much rather write or draw or play music. || Wrote "Distance"

19 Valentine's day but what does it mean to me! Anderson told us she got a valentine from a last year's grad at the U. Probably James.

19 & room, a reasonable sum indeed. The folks here are very kind to me. Of course we have had some

Mon. 1932. A very eventful day! 5 honor points came pouring in when I won the poster contest - I was the only entrant! You should have seen W's expression when he heard of there having being only one in the contest!  Clopton gave me pretty good attention when he criticized my poems - some of which will be just in the Sunken Island. We figured out that 91 h. points is my maximum!

19 I'm really crazy over the essay I've started & an ode or something like it to Pele. I hope I finish it soon. 

19 Minor misunderstanding as is to be expected of any strangers. After all, I have no business to be living here.