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[[working across page when a section ends]] February 24 [[strikethrough]]Thurs[[/strikethrough]] Wed 1932 - Mr. Clapton, my official critic, offered [[strikethrough]] pra [[/strikethrough]] words of praise for my "prize" short story "The Golden [[Life?]]." "I think it's very good and worthwhile," he said. But on the other hand, he failed to find anything good in L's "Mistaken Identities".... I'm beginning to think I can be a good prose writer if I try hard enough. February 25 [[strikethrough]] Fri [[/strikethrough]] Thurs 19 Calamity of all calamities! The old grizzly polar bear Fern informed me nonchalantly that our class doesn't get paid 1 d for the news in the special edition - Hoooo - I feel like choking him. I was so shocked when he told me that cause I thought I would get $19.00 for my dope! Gasoline, time, lunch, sweat, etc all gone to the birds! 19 entered it- sent my manuscript- which I wrote Mar. 4. It's called "Sitters of the Soil- my longest full verse poem. Gosh- 19 D wish [[Dillwen?]]. Highlights up to Mar. 11- I won all three places in KHS lit. contests - essay "To Pete" Sparky 2nd, Jamie 3rd 19 high.
Transcription Notes:
It's hard to tell if the story name in the first paragraph is "The Golden Lick" (first transcriber), "The Golden Link" (2nd transcriber), or even "The Golden Life"
It seems that it might be "The Golden Life" and that it might be "Dellwin" (3rd transcriber).