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Mr Clopton (+also on Friday) for giving words he didn't know the meaning of (don't end sentence thus!!) The words? — alate (winged) and ret (to soak)

April 12

Tues 1932.  Well, I'm decided! I'm going to enter the declamation with Alex, Sparky, + Soichi. Good luck! Went to practice the play tonite, and what fun! Jack Mato acted as if he were enjoying his last moments of freedom, for he's gonna get married Saturday. I earned 5¢ candy from

19 dreariest week in my whole life;

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We practiced our play, with Ruth as Columbine. Also learned dancing to the piece "[[strikethrough]] Crazy [[/strikethrough]] Hungry Women" — oh boy — Harry Minami bellowed out [[strikethrough]] Crazy [[/strikethrough]] Hungry Women in song — and Mr. Willey was sitting in the room.

April 13

Wed. 1932  I tried to organize a goofy "Mystic: 3 Circle club — but I've only 5 members so far. The club cry of help is Yoohoohoo + the handshake is done with the small finger. The insignia is a picture of Beulah (the noodle) making with her lips the noise puk puk - what fun I had learning how to puk puk!.  Learned it at Hi-Y tonite.

19 The only things that happened were my selling Igloo (a super picture) and smilin' thru, excellent.