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meeting me at the store or when passing me on the campus - she doesn't even act as if she was glad to see me - not even a smile


Fri. 1932 - H [[strikethrough]] is a dear [[/strikethrough]] est une chere. And [[strikethrough]] so are [[/strikethrough]] si sont A. & E., her pals - ever personne peut outshine H- [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] ma star. Not even L - en fact L [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] est just [[strikethrough]] too [[/strikethrough]] trop de faint - no pop. Now I've [[strikethrough]] found [[/strikethrough]] trouvé out why H appeals more à moi than L does.  H. is always glad voir moi - talks secrets- laughs - clasp mon tête - slaps mon back - etc.  But L. is the opposite - even when

Yesterday, I received work of many favorable things concerning run also found out that John Woo is the way too over mm. mm didn't come to the dance because John had asked first and M thot it best not to come in that case. 

he's taking R to a Koala l&i - 4 [[?]] & N is invited if I can only [[strikethrough]] fais something of [[?]] sort! - [[strikethrough]] avoir dates!

April 23
Sat. 1932. I took a stroll to the beach to practice my declaration - with W, but I do wish it were H. instead of him.  Malcolm has his R. and has just the same difficulties as I have in trying to get her to like him.  I saw him today in Kapoa - reason? 

19 It seems all so fairy-like.  I don't know mm and yet mm is that way for me.