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Sat. 23 - I spent the eve to 11 in Lihue. Attended the county fair (gorgeous flowers), went to the pier, & saw "This Modern Age" (not extra). I would have had a splendid whoopee time with the boys - Haruto, Herb, & W had not Ah Mung tagged along - no freedom to go visiting in Lihue.

Sun. 1932 _ I practiced my speech (Declamation) at least 30 times today. W. Haruto (who is becoming more intimate - splendid chap) spent the aftnoon down the beach, walking as far as waifouli reefs. Had a wonderful time singing & delivering our speeches to the waves but someone wasn't there so there wasn't any kick to the hike.

One of my happiest jours!  Aujourd'hui, j'ai [[strikethrough]] receve [[/strikethrough]] reseive a O [[strikethrough]] de mm cl aussi a gardenia. In turn, mm was willing accepter la k demoi.

April 25
Mon. 1932 - A big day indeed!  I was kind of nervous to talk before about 200 studes for the declamation. But after hearing the freshies & 2 juniors speak, I determined to do my best.  Masayoshi Wakai made me laugh when he went up the stage and said "Don't you!" pointing fiercely at us. & aleck! haha! he swung his arm out, saying "Friends, etc" & riving it back with "lend me your ears!" But I - ahem! was ok.  anderson said my poise was perfect [[strikethrough]] no mistakes did I make, & she rated me 2nd after H. "She's a finished actress" Anderson ssaid. But I don't know whether I shall represent the Juniors in the finals.  The judges' decision is not known yet.  The fight for 2nd place, I think, is between Elsie & me.  Good luck.