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April 28

Thurs 1932. There has been a rumor going around that I talked about Elsie Lew, but I told her I didn't, & she's satisfied. I wish people would mind their own business & MTOB.

Today I was a sight in French class! It seems that Betty tried to snatch L's. book on jazz songs & hand it to Mr. Clopton, who gave in. & L. just ups & scrams out of the room crying!! She's queer that way.

Fri 19
The annuals came today! Really we didn't expect them today.  They came in 2 huge boxes from the pier. We opened the cases in the bookstore - Elmer, Yoichi & I and gosh! the whole book, covers & all were simply beautiful. Then I knew what real pride is.

[[end of page]]
[[next page, 2nd paragraph]][[Fri 19 continued in same red ink about same topic]]

19 There were 3 special sewed copies but Clopton said they were for the advisers & one for the National Press Ass. contest. But later he said I might have one. I hope so. With a sewed binding, that copy I hope to have will be perfect & completely bonne! The shipper guy said our annual was the first to be printed this year & one of the very best. It was also called a work of simple beauty.

[[start of page 2]]
April 29

Fri 1932 - Oh, am I discouraged! I didn't place at all in the Declamation finals. Was [[crossed out "the"]] one of the two last speakers. It's sort of discouraging. But anyhow, I did get into the finals - that's enough. I think if I had tried my best, I would have won. After speaking, I had the feeling that I didn't do my very best, Mrs. Anderson & Elise Lew told me they were discouraged. 

[[2nd paragraph see above, believe a continuation of previous page, same red ink and topic]]