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Sun. 1932 Went to church today. After, W, Kee Chong, I, & others rode in the rain to Keapava [[?]](my first visit there) Oh, the swinging bridge offered so many thrills - reminded me of the Bridge of San Luis Reyes. We got plenty gardenias. 

I made a Pink lei, from my own garden. Tomorrow will be the big day.

Mon. 19 May Day wasn't extraordinary. We just had a 1 hr. program with Ruth as queen. I got [[strikethrough]] my h a [[/strikethrough]]mokihana leis when the day was nearly over. Maino [[?]]Kimmira [[ strikethrough]]was[[/strikethrough]] & Herb were generous enuf [[sic]] to give me their leis.

Mon. 1932. We celebrated May Day at school today - & what fun I had. To begin with I rode in the float, tho' I scarcely helped to make it. Malcolm Francis, Quon [[?]] Hin & I were giving the final touches to the float when Frizelle told us to start the parade. Since no one was near enuf to be called to ride, we started the junk, & [[crossed out word]] onward we went! Ali Hin got off at the garage, leaving us three to run the junk. Oh those embarrassing minutes (hours) when the junk stopped & we had to crank it up, amidst the tooting of the horns - It's great fun to be riding between two good haole boys, but I wonder what the others thought - me trying to act big shot? The pageant of the nations was a gorgeous affair! I wore a rose lei, & sweet William lei, and brought many gardenias.