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May 5
[[strikethrough]] Wed. [[/strikethrough]] Thurs. 1932. I had a delightful time at the play practice tonite [[sic]]. We went thru our parts marvelously - Lily felt very sore + two things: Clopton gave her the prompter's part + she couldn't prompt, so she was scolded + bawled out severely. Then, she was the only girl left in the hall after Ruth + several had gone home + she started to cry - oh the big innocent crybaby! Ruth + Haruto tried to console her--but she kept right on crying!

[[next entry]]
19  One of my biggest days! The annuals were given out to the seniors this afternoon + I had my first "official peek at it." Not only that!
Yesterday's Story Bulletin which came today announced the winner in the CSA literary (territorial) contests -essay + poetry. And yours truly came first! The article set in identical type + form as the Paris Pact story. mentioned my winning the same contest [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] last year (1931)+ about my scholastic 3-first prizes. Now, who told them that? I wonder what my prize this time will be! 

[[strikethrough]] Thurs. {{/strikethrough]]  Fri 1932

[[strikethrough]] Thurs [[/strikethrough]] Fri 1932. Oh boy. I've won my Silver Badge for a poem in the May St. Nick poetry contest. After 12 months of receiving special + honorable mentions--at last I'm rewarded- a Silver Badge!  Not only that-it's printed on the first section of the League pages--meaning, that it is the best senior League poem for the month. 

I didn't attend the banquet tonite [[sic]] because G. went--+ I've made a resolution I won't go anywhere if she goes.

Sat 19   Athletic Banquet at 7:00 this eve. Went with Alec, Laurence, Soichi, Hiderichi + Herb. Junk dinner. boring speeches. no crowd at dance. Then to see "Mask of Fu Manchu" Thrilling. Back to dance at Parish House. Didn't dance. Floor too slippery. Then home. No- to Kealia scrub dance. Filipino dancing girl rushes out + screams to father "One man look me sharp!" Almost scrap. Haruto, etc were there too.  Home. Ho hum.