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MAY 17
Tues. 1932  Mrs. Anderson congratulated me for winning the [[?]] & the St. Nick silver badge. She still thinks "A Million Things" isn't good enough. And she wondered why the "wonderful poem" mirror didn't place in the Scholastic award. She said that the judges weren't intelligent enough to know a good poem when they see one. & she told me to keep it- I'd [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] find success with that some day. 
Malcolm & I had a frank talk today on each other's philosophy.  He says I'm a different sort of guy. 

19 This Tuesday I received my belated bronze medal from Higgins for a drawing in St. Nick. The May St Nick (arrived May 19) showed I placed only sp. m. for "To A One-Time Friend." CC Robinson whom I met at Camp Erdman, arrived & analyzed us. He mistook me for Clarence Turi!

MAY 18
Wed. 1932  Oh, the heck! we have to give our play over again at Kaiakea. It might be a compliment to us actors - but I'd rather not act than have bouquets - (fond memories) Haruto, W, & I (I'll call this bunch X3 from now on) went to Hi- Y, then parked the car in the moonlite at Waipouli beach.  oh, the moon was so white. We sang half-forgotten old songs - sad memories - haunting tunes oh - the experience was to divine to be true.  Mais, non filles!

19  At last I have experienced vrai ecstasy. At the Senior banquet (19) - it is needless to say anything about it. 
We had fine speeches, gave an extemporaneous speech that was quite good, & we drank a toast to Francis Pugh who is sailing tomorrow. George E was a perfect toastmaster. How he introduced me was quite !!!*.  At the dance in the auditorium