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MAY 25 
Wed:1932. It would have to happen that way!!&! I don't want to be pres. of Hi-Y (too much work - no credit) & I was nominated for that office!! I declined & nom. Tad, who won! Swell guy. & I want to be sec, but wasn't elected!! W. was funny when he stood up 3 times in succession & said "How many times must I tell you folks I won't be here next year." Camp at Haevo 29-31

19 Homeai! with Alec - Herb, Laurence - swell guys. (?) Laurence - Hi-Y dance - what real enjoyment! none on the beaches - phonograph music! CSA picnic. 19   Next day - swim - rain - sushi - [[?]] - Kee Chong, etc. Haena - Coney Island ride   
Marian returns! To the boat, back, thence to school - for autographs in annual.  

MAY 26
Thurs. 1932 - Oh! sweet ecstasy! I was the only candidate for CSA pres, & I'll have that office next year! Tomorrow is primary election day- but I wonder if I have a ghost of a chance. Other candidates for Sec. are Masako, Elsie, George J, & Henry Chang. For pres, Ruth, Harriet, & Koki. Vice Pres, Lily, Satsuyi, & Richard. Treas., Masao, Kimura, Francis, and Elmer. Stud. mgr, Wallace, Nofrio, & Soichi Yamada.