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MAY 31

Tues. 1932.  Marian returned home, & of course, there was a great bustle at home 
I got a cute pr. of trunks from Godfrey. Thanks to him.  Saw the election results today - Harriet 118, Ruth 112, Koki, 111 - Richard, majority over Lily, Moi-103, Masako 148, Henry 68, Elsie, 48. Masao majority. Took the von Pirquet test today.

19  Gosh, it's hard to write anymore. These memories have been so breathlessly delightful and fleeting it is hard to recall them

Fri 1932  May 13- (con't) Now, for real, R. & Harriets aiment chaque autre. Oh, il est si beau - le romance! She has asked her for his photo - & he has promised, & has showered her with kind words. Another couple in the making - tsk tsk! I'm perfectly satisfied - knowing that she & I can't get along, except as friends. Elle ne peut pas prendre la place de H. Non! She belongs to Horuto. Oh! What a loving pair - as Beulah put it 'what a peach of a pear!" Strikes me funny - how these two can please each other so sweetly!
19  The plays (Hi-Y) were a huge success - acting standpoint, not audience number. J'ai [[strikethrough]] des [[/strikethrough]] donné une billet à H. pour elle aller voir the plays. Il est mon duty, I think. Many people (Mr Willey, Clopton, et les garçons) said mon acting etait bonne. 

Et pourquoi? Parce qu'elle etait [[strikethrough]] une [[/strikethrough]] en l'audience. Haruto looked so handsome in his police suit - & L. fainted so eagerly into his arms! They talked intimately to each other during the nite [[sic]] - it is all so beautiful! Ma fille est come voir me after the show. Et elle etait si belle encore! Nous avons parlons, et parlons. Maintenant, notre gang est settled: moi et H, W. et Betty, et Haruto et L. Oh- trois garcons en ---- well, well, well. Good nite [[sic]], D., how I love to tell you my secrets, and share the joys with you. Oui, oui j'aime la fille H. très, très, très beaucoup!