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Wed. 1932 Howdy, June!  Whoops! What a full program!  Fri. operetta, Mon. CSA dinner, Tues. Hot dog party, Wed. Kafaa grad. Thurs. KHS grad.  Shall I go Honolulu this June for Pake school?  Tonite at Hi-Y I gave my first vocal solo - "Many Happy Returns" I sang several parts wrongly, but I don't give a heck, as long as I got some claps.

19  This week is a "throbbing" one! We Seniors are caught in its tide and try to enjoy our ride out to sea.


Thurs 1932.  I'm happy now! My Von Priquet test came out ok - negative - meaning that nothing's wrong.  Henry Chang registered 12 - imagine! a big husky guy.  Harriet 6, Lily 6, Hanayo 10! The Annual came out today - quite good - my sonnet's printed.  Today XL gave me a booklet on "editing an annual" and said - You're gonna be editor next year so read it all!  Ahem!

19 No lessons!  Baccalaureate practice - then the service!  Commencement march!  but most pleasant of all -