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I nearly forgot: the Paris Pact awards came today - 2 certificates for me, one framed, and one rolled up, to be presented on commencement night, and 1 large beautiful framed one, with the school's and my name engraved. Frizelle remarked: you'd better get a trophy case for your stuffs!

[[/top margin]]


Fri 1932. Aujourd'hui, Eli a demande a moi de ecriere  dous sa annual. Je ne sais pas, but j'ai ecrire tres sentimentalment. Elle etait kind of surprised. Masako wins the sec. job, so I heard but it's only a rumor. In 3rd period, L. got kind of fresh, and told me insultingly to shut up. I couldn't stand it, so I bawled her out, saying no wonder some students say you think you're "it" since you met [[Hanilo??]]. And I meant it too.

19 enjoying the simple chats and fond gazes into each senior's eyes!

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Sat 1932. If I don't get A, I'll hang Clopton. I spent several hours writing a kyrielle & a Rondeau. W told me that Pake school in Honolulu starts on July - 1. If that's true, you bet I'm going down town. I'll work in the cannery first - some outdoor job before taking my first trip to Honolulu.
