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Report cards came out (yesterday) I got All A's & All average marks are A's I musn't forget the oral avg grades 7 A's, 2 B's (3BD & MJF (BA)Forence Harl - 8 A's H.A. 8 A's, 2 B's. Me not bad.
June 11
Sat. 1932. I must write now what I didn't have room for yesterday.  Got S.M. for the Tanka Pain & Elfin Prank in st. Nick assembled all my "poems", the best for Miss Coble in Idaho (?) saw "Silence" - sweet v.g. & Haruto, (lucky devil) won $5.00 in the weekly prize. Funny, during the day he had been wishing for money. W. started work today in cannery office. He's o.k., that guy. isn't going to summer school.

19 Vacation! The three pals! Herb - Kee chong, and moi. Movies! rides! cards! fun 

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June 12
Sun. 1932. I wish everyday could be so bonne as today.  Played my first game of tennis today. Poor player! went swimming in the aft. Had Koshi & Taeko over for supper. & spent much time with him. Swell guy. But forgot to go services tonite. Must  go the next time. Marian said that only two years of ROTC are required as Phys. Ed. in U.N [[strikethrough]] [[no?]] [[/strikethrough]] Two days ROTC & 1 day lecture, physiology about the initiation they pick on
[[top of the page]] big shots only. Hope I ain't one. Koshi & Taeko came over for dinner. Just think! And I talked with him at our house![[/top...]]
19 every single nite Sun tans - 2 dances at all saints - Reunion of 1929 class (rotten crowd) and Hi-4 dance