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I'll have to learn to dance.) Just won't till we have the house! Oh boy - won't it be swell. and we'll not be ashamed of having friends over our place.

JUNE 13 

Mon 1932. We had so much fun this evening playing 500 & bridge. Marian S., [[strikethrough]] I [[strikethrough]] BM and I. I never knew we could have so much fun right at home. We talked about our proposed new home - I will graduate or return next year, and we plan to have a big blow out (that reminds me

tennis with Marian - swing with PC. Kaiakea and cards!

Tues. 1932 - Oh oh - no word from Scholastic today. (hope I get some on Friday. Today I started reading "An American Tragedy.  Oh what a swell book. why didn't I read his earlier - then I'd have gone to the talkie. I didn't know the book was so touching. And Clyde! he's already my hero - book hero. And he's 16 too - but no different!

and for the