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Fri 1932 - See, I really feel sorry for Clyde Griffiths - what a mess - the murder trial,... No word today from Godfrey or Scholastic!... One person whom I never get tired of looking at is Lum Yoong, or Young Lum. Somehow he reminds me of Wm [[Bukewell?]]. ... Others get all the breaks - Herbert & Yoshio M. are going to work in Hanalei - sort of bookkeeper's job - and I? 

19 Clopton for
   thrill in gardening

Sat. 1932. Worked till 11 today... Now I really think I was a darn fool not to have asked for any office job. I wanted some kind of manual
labor - but such doesn't suit me. I'd rather
work in the office now - like W. - but it's
too late... H.T can drown himself- for all I
care. He's getting conceited - he with his Japs

19 awaking in me.
   nursery plants-
   kalai- [[?]]