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November 19 - November 20
(This is being written on Nov. 29)
19 The whole trip has been like a dream! To begin with, 6 of us were chosen from our Hi-Y. I was worried about getting seasick, so I got some tablets - (which didn't work at all) Richard A & Natsuko saw us off...I went to sleep right away, in dread. Soon the boat rocked & I struggled to concentrate on other things so as not to feel the rocking. Yeso & Elmer 

hit the rail first - About 12, I also followed suit, and continued to do so several times. When we reached Oahu, I ventured out on the deck and what a sight met my ends. Nestled among the hills were millions of pin-point lights. When we neared port, I was too dizzy to appreciate the harbor sights, and in one last struggle against dizziness, I hit the rail again. We went on a bus to the Nuuanu Y, and was at once amazed to see such heavy traffic! At first I mistook the street cars for huge buses, but soon realized my mistake. At the Y, I was still dizzy, but was relieved at about 8. We then went on a