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November 27 - November 28
section with other boys in search of bargains. I bought a bathing suit for 3.50 at the Hub but had to return it twice before I got what I wanted. I received a phone call from Edwin to see him at lunch, and miracle of miracles, I succeeded in finding his office. He took me out to a Chop Suey House & treated me to a bowl of sai min. I then went to see Ah Lin Zane who works opposite Edwin's place. As for my other meals while in town, we ate any ole place - usually in Jap. cafes. When some older Coloa boys took us to yee top's for wonton, the greenhorn Japs ordered rice to go with it! In town I met Bernice Hulihee at McKinley and Kenji Tabuelu up Fort St. I went with the others to the pier to leave for town. Before I left, Godfrey, Becky & Auntie came to see me at the Y. I boarded the boat with Clarence Isui - the trip was certainly smooth but windy. The wind would blow away our blankets.

Transcription Notes:
Before Coloa there is a mark (the same mark appeared before Coloa on another page) that I don't know. I don't know if it's meant to be a diacritical mark or a letter. Coloa doesn't appear in place names in Hawaii as far as I can see. The same mark appears at the restaurant name and I don't know how to transcribe it.