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Sun. 2-26-39

We are the critical. We examine conventional life and see through its false front of standards, duty, ties, bonds. We wish to live beyond and above these, but our very lives are of that composition we despise.

So there must be escape: mental, if one is timid, complete, physically, if one is defiantly brave; emotional, if one is sensible in the Oriental way, and romantic.

He that seeks wild romanticism may free himself if he finds some original world with which he may satisfy that part of him that seeks grandeur.

Taiko is miserable. (She was here today with Hisako) She has experienced beauty. But it is not enough. She still seeks a world that is her own. She is visionary; her visions have not yet materialized. So she suffers and seeks her world. She meets many obstacles. The ambitious, the hopeful with not enough self-confidence suffer greatly.

There are great wild islands in my mind. Sand flows around them and here & there green water sparkles.

Perhaps I am seeing my native islands as no one has seen them.

I am beginning to feel that I no longer have need of Wagner, Kent, Teasdale, and memories of Thomas Wolfe. I am discovering my great world