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March 8-1940

Yesterday, the peak of happiness;  the great worry over with a card from her.

  I was so happy I wanted to bless everyone & every animal I saw.  I stood on the coast hill at Kealia and sang get along Little Dogie, and Mine Eyes Hath seen the Glory, sang & sang; and saw the distant headland take the night over the sea.
  A week before that, the good news came about my success in the N.Y. World's Fair contest for Hawaii.  (IBM)
Today:  the depths of disappointment - utter disappointment - relieved only by a marvelous criticism in the Sentinel - by Buddy.

  So - I don't know what it's all about - where my painting will get me, & how much ambition I may harbor for an Islander.

  - I'm writing the Alaska SS Co to go to hell (because they won't book "a gentleman who is not a member of the [[crossed out]] yello [[crossed out]] white race).

   An Islander - no more?