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Wednesday Midnight Aug 17? '40
Of enjoying life in the big city and of art and artists. One night Walter, Peter, Norman + I called on Peter Lowe and were shown his paintings-very much like John Young's portraits + studies, but more powerful in word, more sensitive in color and more original in concept. 
Then we 5 called on Chew Chin S Cheung Lee in the Monkey Block, were shown some facile stuff,sentimental lithos + pencil sketches, finely done, carefully done, but weak, weak, recapturing the dear dreams of the past when roads winded and trees swayed. A neat studio, a neat person, so Chinese, so proud.
Then we went on to find Doug Kingman but couldn't. Then some coffee in Chinatown. 
Another night again we (Peter, Lowe, Walter + I) couldn't find Doug nor see Julien Williams who was in bed with a model. To my room, and I showed Lowe my work. He thot [[thought]] I could get a prize at the Arsin show. 
One day Walter + I went to Tom Hayes for dinner + I met Chigu. Earlier that day we saw Tom's work, which is very weak and disturbingly half-realized in mood. Tom paints his dreams of strange figures in strange settings but does not understand that strangeness is not to be depicted in trite symbols of poster finality. He is the one who most needs to question the worth of his work instead of the worth of juries who reject his work. 
One night Walter and I (many nights) visit Chinatown and I am fascinated by the place, - it is so alive and [[strikethrough]]so[[/strikethrough]] carries unfamiliarity I can so easily understand. Pete + Wallt. I go often to Fong Fong- and there I try to be friendly with Rosie the waitress but she is friendly to every one there. I am a Hawaiian Chinese and not a SF Chinese.
Walt + I always have rice soup at