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We shall continue to draw teachers to different parts of this state as fast as we find favorable openings, and have the means to do so. In my journeyings, I have frequent opportunities of conversing with citizens and hearing their conversations with each other - From my observations I am led to believe that a favorable change is going on in the minds of citizens - Tho I frequently hear the govt and the Yankees cursed by some rabid fire eater, the general tone of conversation shows that a more favorable state of feeling, toward the govt & the North, is prevailing - The crops of the present season are very light, in all sections of the state which I have visited, & in some sections I am confident the crops raised, if all sold & inverted in corn, could not furnish bread sufficient for the inhabitants until another crop can be gathered; & there doubtless will be; must be a great amount of suffering among the Freedmen during the coming winter - 

Very Respectfully
Your Obedt
J _ Bardwell
Agt of A M S
Watermark/Stamp: _man's Bureau State_, Received Oct 30, 1866.
Initials [[??]]