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Jackson Miss Nov. 20th 1866.

Gen. Th. J. Wood
Assist. Com &c. State of Miss.

I have the honor to herewith acknowledge the rece't of your letter of Sept. 29th, enclosing copies of "Circular No. 14"; & to State (in explanation of the long delay of this reply) That, I have this day returned to Jackson from the North, where I have been since Aug. 23rd. I am greatly pleased to learn that help is to be afforded the freedmen, in their schools. Shall be in Vicksburg in a few days when I shall avail Myself of Your kind invitation to call at your office, & consult you on the Subject.

Very Respectfully
Your Obed't Sev't
N.L. Brakeman
Presiding Elder Miss. District

Transcription Notes:
removed [underline] — not used