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District of Mississippi
Vicksburg Miss., Nov 7, 1866

Maj. Gen O.O. Howard


I am desirous of obtaining labour to [[print?]] my plantations in [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] Issaquena County, Miss on waters of Deer Creek. I have two plantations requiring about 50 labourers on each. Am unable to pay to transportation from such points as they can be obtained at, Am willing to enter into a fair & honest contract with said labour. Having ample room for the above number of hands, with usual number of children in families I can promise good & sufficient food & shelter for the above number. I would therefore ask that transportation be granted me on above number of hands & families say one half from Griffin Georgia, the other half from Augusta Georgia, or from such other point (if compatible with your power to do so) from which I may be able to obtain the same within the limits of said State.

Very Respectfully
W.J. Britton

