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Hollysprings, Miss,
Oct. 14. 1866

Actg. Ass't Genl,

I Rec'd circular no. 14 directed to Mrs. Gill. In her absence I have charge of her school. The school was opened on the 22nd Jan, 1866 and has been in session since except during June and the first two weeks of July. The school was not taught during that time on account of Mrs. Gills sickness, attendance in Sept. 25 males & 35 females, ages from 5 to 52 years Branches taught, Reading, spelling, writing, & arithmetic. Mrs. Gill has taught 18 terms in the north and says she never saw children learn faster. The school is in a house of our own but the [[strikethrough]] it is too small and uncomfortable. We have an excellent site & Mrs. Gill wishes to establish a high school here. She is now in Illi. trying to raise money to build a larger house.  If she fails can the Bureau help to put up a house?

What of the public lands for Freedmen?
Nelson G. Gill