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Brig. Genl. Samuel Thomas
Asst. Coms. Freedmens Bureau &c.
State of Mississippi.


I respectfully request that you will restore to me, all my property that is under the control of your Bureau, in the City of Natchez. 

The list hereto attached, shows of what the property consists, and the accompanying certificate of the Probate Clerk of this County that I am the lawful owner of it, except one house & lot, belonging to my wife, in whose behalf also I make this application.  None of said property, was ever really abandoned, nor rightfully subject to the control of your Bureau. But during my absence from the State, not in arms, but in private civil business it was so taken possession of and has been held to the present time.  I have received from the President, a special Pardon, bearing date Dec. 5th 1865, which I beg leave to show you herewith, and referring also to my Amnesty Oath, a copy of which dated 10 inst. is hereto annexed.

I remain General

Very Respt.
Yr. Obt Svt.
A. L. Wilson