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Office Chief Quartermaster.

Vicksburg, Miss., May 9th 1866.

Bvt. Col. MP. Bestow
A.A.G. Dept. Miss,

I respectfully forward herewith certified Copy of the Return of Clo. Camp & Garrison Equipage remaining April 30th, ult. in the hands of the Chf Qr. Master Bu. R.F. and A.L. State of Miss. with the recommendation that the articles therein mentioned be sold and the proceeds thereof transferred to the Disbursing Officer of said Bureau, except such as in the judgement of the Medical Director of Dept. should be retained for issue to patients convalescent from small pox.
These articles are no longer required for issue in this Dept. They consist of irregular clothing and such as have been condemned in the Quartermasters Department. It is believed that good prices can be obtained for them.

I am, Colonel,
Very Respectfully your obt. Servant,
Henry M Whittelsey
Bvt. Brig. General
Chief Q.M. Dept. of Miss.