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-ercises of the school. They generally propose that the colored people shall pay all the expenses, but sometimes they offer to assist if the full control of the schools may be given into white southern hands. This is not likely to effect much because the colored people are jealous of such designes, they cannot easily be made to believe that it is better to exclude northern teachers. But any scheme or attempt is welcome that familiarizes the minds of the white people with the subject of the education of the freed people.

School Houses - Considerable progress has been made in providing schoolhouses. At Vicksburg arrangements have been made by which three lots have been purchased - one by the colored Baptist congregation - one by the United Presbyterian Board of Missions - and one by the Western division of the American Freedmans Aid Commission, on which buildings to accommodate from 700 to 800 pupils are expected to be ready by the first of October, when it is remembered that we have had to give up the three lots of land previously occupied