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between the foot hills of the Coast Range on the west and the S.F. Bay on the east. The town is well supplied with trees and the numerous tasty flower gardens gave it a very pleasing aspect.

In the town I noted that Carpodacus frontalis and Zonotrichia gambelli were quite common in the yards and along the roadside before reaching the mts. Anthus ludovicianus was very plentiful as I observed it on all bare ground between here and San Francisco, large flocks flying up on the approach of the train. A sparrow Hawk kept us company a short distance along the road and as we ascended the mountain a great many quail were seen - still in coveys of from 8 to 20. A pair of turkey buzzard and a few Buteos with a pair of Chaniae fasciata were all the birds noted. This was probably owing in part to the cold air on the mountains causing the birds to seek shelter. 

Apr. 14