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We left the anchorage at S.F. about 10 am, and [[strikethrough]] sailing out [[/strikethrough]] steaming out the Golden Gate kept along the coast the first afternoon and then changed its course to W. 3 points N. which was kept for the entire trip.

During the first afternoon out we were followed by a few Herring Gulls (L. occidentalis) but the next morning none were to be seen. A large number of short-tailed albatrosses were seen in San Fran. harbor with the gulls the day we sailed and two followed us during that day only. Besides the gulls a great many cormorants were seen beyond the Golden Gate [[in distance?]] and [[guinea?]] fowl were on the water but at too great a distance to be distinguished—

The 2nd day out a few birds, apparantly a species of G.  albatross commenced following us and the 3rd day out the number increased to about 30 individuals and for the first week they followed us persistently but the 8th day out their number became reduced to some half dozen. about the 4th day a petrel about the size of Leachis was seen and nearly every day thereafter others or perhaps the same birds were seen. The morning of the 6th day a large no. of "Portuguese men of war" were seen and for the next 12 days we were constantly passing through beds containing thousands of them. The weather has been passably fair one or two rains & about the same no. of heavy winds being encountered up to the 8th night.-

Transcription Notes:
Leach's Petrel