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of [[F.?]] leachii. A second darkly plumaged species still smaller with wings more like the fig. l. than like those [[image: 1.]] of the other petrels which have wings when extended looking more like 2 [[image: 2]]

This bird has a quick flitting, airy, flight much like the movements of a bat among the tree tops.

Saturday May 5 1877 

Things progress as yesterday. Birds following the steamer are the same. In the morning a duck (probably an eider flew by the boat heading for the Aleutian Is. which [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] were about 400 miles distant at the time. A small group of fur seal were noted at about the same time swimming toward their summer residence on the Seal Is. in Behring's Sea. The wind changed from the N-W to S.W in 
the afternoon and rain fell - 

A heavy sea was on during the P.M. "Cipry" tells me of finding mammoth tusks up the Kusquokim